
"A Picture Postcard" - the Promise Ring

"Atlantis" - Donovan

Not just on HOTD. "Push" is the Cure's best deep cut period.

Movie Music Volume 1 is solid all the way through. I think it sums up their best work. Strawberry Ann Switzerland is up there, but Forever Got Shorter is my favorite

All of my friends were huge into Braid and I didn't understand what all the fuss was about. Then I saw them live in '99 (Crazyfest in Louisville I think) and something clicked. Loved them since then, at least the old stuff.

Great song. My personal favorite Elliott song though is "Waiting While Under Paralysis."
Saw them live twice — they had prerecorded musical interludes that played between songs so it seamlessly transitioned from one song to the next. Pretty cool stuff.

What about "Either/Or"?

Are you trolling? Only a troll would make an insane claim like "Monty Got a Raw Deal" is filler. Best song on AftP for my money.

By "first 10" do you mean through "New Adventures in Hi-Fi"? (i.e., before they dropped off the quality cliff). If so, I would give that honor to Monster — that album has aged badly.

For years "Feeling Gravity's Pull" kept me from liking that album. Everytime I thought of Fables, I thought of that song and how much I disliked it. As a result, I had a super negative opinion of the album. It was only once I got an iPod and was listening to R.E.M. on shuffle that I came to realize how great the

"Atlantis" - Donovan

I saw them in '07 on their "The Freewheelin' Yo La Tengo" tour where they played acoustic and took questions from the audience between songs.  People kept asking questions about their personal life and it became very clear by the second question that were not going to answer them.   The crowd was not taking the hint

I saw them in '07 on their "The Freewheelin' Yo La Tengo" tour where they played acoustic and took questions from the audience between songs.  People kept asking questions about their personal life and it became very clear by the second question that were not going to answer them.   The crowd was not taking the hint

I've always loved "We're So Beautiful" from "The New Record" EP.  Would have loved to get that remastered.

I've always loved "We're So Beautiful" from "The New Record" EP.  Would have loved to get that remastered.

2nd from the left is Gabe Witcher, the fiddle player.  Still in the band.  The bass player is in the middle.  Paul Kowert.  Still in the band as well.  Unless he left since the band took cover picture on the new album.  The did change bass players a while ago, but the current one is pictured above.