
The same would be said for creators working the Golden age as well. Books back then especially by DC were anthology books. One book would have 4-6 stories in it, 2 of which probably from the same creative team. Gardner Fox for example created the Flash, Sandman, Hawkman, Starman, Doctor Fate, but also worked on

and knowing Snyder would just kill him off in JL squandering any chances for a New Gods movie.

It's pretty bad when your first film is the only one that's close to being great.

True, mainly that was due to Luicas Fox, being the tech wizard. Bruce had a brilliant deductive mind, but it's overshadowed by Fox's advice and tech genius.

Batman Returns has him looking through old photographs when disclosing the identity of the Penguin with that of a child murdering circus freak.

A decade prior to that yeah.

Affleck is great in this because he has a dynamite chin, and is self loathing sad sack throughout the majority of his films. He was a perfect fit for Snyder's self destructive sadist Dark Knight.

At least Spider-Man balanced the mopey self shunning hero with some quirky humor and had actual life to it. This movie was depressing for like 2/3 of the film and just boring spectacle the other 1/3

"Hey baby I was a grip on Batman v Superman. You know in one scene you could see my mic boom just fall into view."

I always felt Dark Knight Rises was a tribute to Batman's pulpish 1930's roots. How else would it be logical or even a good idea to have all of Gotham's Finest running headlong into their heavily armed enemy with nothing more than side arms and a battle cry?

Listen up, Senor Snyderyo.