
This is the first cancellation this season that has surprised me. You don't see network shows past their first seasons yanked before the end of a season often. Is this the first time it's happened since Up All Night? If so, it shall forever be known as pulling a Will Arnett.

I don't blame him for choosing to do Running Wilde or Up All Night just because they turned out bad - they probably looked good enough on paper initially.

Oscar gold rains down from Academy sky… my cock rages on, my cock rages on!

Yeah, I've spent the last three or four seasons watching Max, going, "So, uh… does Jason Katims hate his son?" Because that seems like the only explanation.

Banshee's batshit crazy fight sequences will be a sight for sore eyes when it returns.

Ray Romano's net worth from Everybody Loves Raymond syndication and residuals is in the hundreds of millions, so I'd be willing to bet he's doing Parenthood (and before Parenthood, Men of a Certain Age) for next to nothing, just for the pleasure of acting. Short of inventing Facebook, he can't get much wealthier than

No way, he's not "Terminator: Genisys star" Jai Courtney, he's Varro from Spartacus! Grab hold of your cocks and regain sense, AV Club!

*flexes in mirror*

Oh yeah, I forgot all about that Maggie self-haircut ridiculousness. I bet Sorkin is hoping everyone did.

I'm pretty sure Paul Lieberstein did in fact help Sorkin write this season. Depending on how people feel about the seasons of The Office he ran, this may make some despair, but I'll defend season 5 as one of The Office's best.

…Are you telling me that not only did you invent a secret plan to fight inflation, but now you don’t support it?

I mean, shit, Arrested Development, Dallas, Veronica Mars, 24, The Comeback, Twin Peaks, and for some godforsaken motherfucking reason Heroes have all been revived years after their endings, so why the hell not!

Hellllll yes, the Jack Bauer Power Hour deserves to live again - as a TV show, not as the oft-proposed feature film, which I think is a terrible idea. Some TV shows just belong on TV! (Also, if I'm not mistaken, 24:LAD's finale actually scored a 1.7, a number which probably seems downright salivation-worthy by Fox's

Not to beat a horse so long dead it's just a decomposed sack of dust and bones, but looking at NBC's new comedy ratings really makes me go, god damn, would it have been that bad to just carve out 6.5 total hours of your ~250 hours of fall primetime for Community's final season? Would it have done any worse? It

Lookin' good, myself. I'd like to thank ABC for making a trailer that made me know I had to pick Manhattan Love Story, and NBC for giving Bad Judge a title that I knew could not possibly belong to a show that ever sees a second season, and Mulaney for making Mulaney.

Brandon Routh's Superman was a real stalker back in the day too. Poor Routh - typecast as a stalker.

I knew as soon as I heard they were making that movie that they would severely wimp out content-wise. Regardless of how crappy the source material or story may be, I would have honestly respected the film/Hollywood/theater chains' boldness if they had said fuck it, made it hard NC-17, and still released it to 3000

An FX show hopping to mothership Fox would be pretty fascinating. I doubt it would happen, but it would sure be interesting to see.

Mild shakeup: Fox has just officially canceled Utopia!

Worst case scenario, I expect BB to run through May 2016. And if Fox's ratings woes stay as bad as they are now, beyond that.