The military leader was Gen. Amos Halftrack. Does this mean CB!B! and Beetle Bailey share a universe?
The military leader was Gen. Amos Halftrack. Does this mean CB!B! and Beetle Bailey share a universe?
I love shouting this quote at football games when they measure for a first down.
Does getting back on the horse refer to your reviews, finding a job, or dating? I'm rooting for the last.
Stop fat shaming us, Lara!
I cringed pretty hard when Michael Cole referred to R-Truth's sneaking off with the IC belt as "shuffling." I guess they're steering into the whole minstrel show skid.
They can shoehorn in the Fishes' Elbow as his signature move.
I thought they were going for "What is enterprisingly?"
I thought it was odd that Terry wagered for a tie. If Sarah had doubled up, they would have had a one question sudden death for the win. Why wouldn't she wager that extra dollar?
You'll need to have a couple of interesting stories to make it through the audition. Once you're on, just adopt the persona of a different Horatio Alger character for each game's chit chat.
"I'm gonna leave you CancerAids, gonna leave you CancerAids…" Sorry, it just fit the theme song so well.
If this is the show Brad Rutter said he was producing during the Jeopardy! Battle of the Decades, then it is inspired by "The League." I imagine he'll try to work in plenty of references to his replacement Porsche.
I don't think the clue specified a year or director, so I wondered if Heche would have been accepted.
Isn't that the subtitle of Tom Sawyer?
I took the Jennings comparison as Alex's attempt to jinx Arthur.
So you can't judge a book by its cover, but the author is another story. Unless it's Harper Lee, then it's just the one story.
I had the bed sheets and still use the pillow case. Chicks dig it.
At the time he cited the success rate, he had only tried it three times. It worked on Kelly after it failed with the Mother, so the stat changed. I doubt he would include Ted's or Barney's attempts in his record.
I sat next to Karen at the Jeopardy! audition in Kansas City. She was very nice, and I'm glad she made it on the show, but I hope it doesn't mean my chances just got slimmer.
And in second place, Ezra.
Only if they can get Junior Samples Junior.