Yes for more Abbi Jacobson in theaters!
Yes for more Abbi Jacobson in theaters!
It was edited to look like one take at least. I'm pretty sure I caught one subtle cut during it…though it was towards the end so it's still really impressive.
That header image…right when I saw it I knew it was my new desktop background. Seriously this episode was visually gorgeous.
Pushing Daisies is my easy response.
I really don't like the idea of someone who had a hand in creating Minions having control over franchises like How to Train Your Dragon and Kung Fu Panda.
I have faith this is going to be awful if their terrible adaptation of The Lorax is any indication.
The Good Place is something I'll definitely tune in for when it premieres. Timeless looks okay, maybe? This Is Us seems fine. Only thing I found interesting about it is that it looks like you can show a butt on network TV now.
Quote from Alan Menken on Twitter:
It actually did get it's rating changed to PG-13 last week "for crude humor, sexual references, comic violence, and brief drug material."
Luckily that didn't happen with me, but in a certain scene involving a kiss (minor spoilers, but I'm keeping it vague) one women in front of me involuntarily shrieked "NOOO!" at the screen. So that was pretty amusing.
And even right before he died he was still making that "I gotta poop" face. Guess that problem was solved a few seconds later.
Oh, Olly. You're dead. And I'm happy. So, so happy.
So I own this movie on Blu-ray. I don't know why.
Then Wun Wun accidentally steps on him immediately afterwards.
Double, no triple the canted angles!
Thank you! I was wondering why Newswire had lied to me.
Wait, what? Is Wiseau seriously making a new movie?
I'm leaning towards Charming. I don't know, just seems that way to me.
Ooh, I loved this episode. Can Jane Espenson write every episode of this show? Also let's kill off Robin Hood. Do it, show. Please. For the children.
I'm pretty sure there was a Spyro movie in development awhile back.