I haven't liked Ansel Elgort in anything I've seen him in, but Edgar Wright is directing this. Maybe he can do what he did with Michael Cera in Scott Pilgrim and make me actually like him.
I haven't liked Ansel Elgort in anything I've seen him in, but Edgar Wright is directing this. Maybe he can do what he did with Michael Cera in Scott Pilgrim and make me actually like him.
I think it's bad how much I related to Gus' argument with his ex over why Bonus Features are great. I may or may not have felt physical pain when he threw out his box of Blu-rays, even if Pretty Woman was one of them.
Felt like this was Anne Hathaway's role to lose - though Emily Blunt would be great and not too surprising after working with Rob Marshall on Into the Woods.
I'd say SXSW is pretty damn comfortable during the Film portion. Once the Music side kicks in that's when it becomes insane.
Beef Milk. From udder to table.
Now I have to make my own personal "movie edit" of these last few episodes. It must be done! (and it's already in progress)
Oh, that was such a great, bittersweet finale. It can't end! It can't! It was all just too great. To end with a quote:
The animation just seems way too lazy for my tastes.
I must admit I'm disappointed that this isn't rated PG for "a smoking caterpillar" this time around.
Man that really was a spectacular finale. With every episode this show's quality increased until it was just fantastic every moment. It was also fun with the finale specifically interacting with the fanbase and Karen David (Isabella) on twitter! It was pretty amazing to see the actors of the show be as passionate as…
At this point I'm shouting from the rooftops for people to watch Galavant. It's just such a good show that's really come into it's own this season. Even Karen David (Isabella) is recommending fans on Facebook to contact various people at ABC to renew the show when they mention they're hoping for a season three.
More negative then in comparison to others.
I love the first two movies and this is one of the few negative reviews of this I've seen so far. I'm going to see it- I think it looks great and it's even better now that Rebel Wilson had to back out.
And so I sit, waiting for a new Paper Mario game that plays like the N64 original and The Thousand Year Door. Those games are some of my favorites of all time.
P&P Romance Factory gave us this moment - and I can't explain why, but it's one of the funniest moments of the show for me.
Guys, my disgustingly fat manicurist is like literally trying to kill me.
I've been reading how M. Night is "back in good graces" after The Visit, but NO. This is the man who made the cinematic travesty that is The Last Airbender. He can never be forgiven.
I just can't get over how much I absolutely adore this show. The song with Death was the highlight of the night for me.
I'd like to submit The World's End as evidence that he could do comedy. You got me on the dancing and singing, though.
It really bothers me how poorly edited that video is.