Noahs Arc Reactor

That sounds like how a dwarf with his wisdom teeth out would say Gandalf's real name.

I bet Steve Palpatine and Chad Vader take sad little lunch breaks together all the time.

I think the prequels, the last movie especially, did a good job of showing how both the Jedi and the Sith were involving Anakin in their shady machinations, and that the Jedi were in that sense partially to blame themselves for Anakin's fall.

That was not my take. I thought that the bit about creating life was legit, and that we are to understand this is how Anakin was conceived. The fact that the opera scene they are watching is a giant egg and sperm makes me give even more credence to the idea that we are supposed to take the claim seriously.

We can handle things! We're smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… we're smart and we want respect!

Glamor and gliiiiii-ter!
FASHHHhion and FAME!

I got that reference!

Said someone who has obviously never tried Dos Dedos.

You're still DOIN' that!?

"Manogamy" is a great portmanteau in search of a definition.

Did you catch that Crow's New Hair was making a Simpsons reference?

Translation: we know you loudmouths are happiest when you have something to bitch eloquently about, so we give you this outlet in the hopes that it keeps you from entering a life of crime or telemarketing or something.

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!

Okay, I bought some Keebler cookies on Amazon. But I'm still not going to clown college!

so heavy and dense it deserves its own square in the periodic table

This is a good story, but that title sucks. She uses Exorcist references, but the Scarlet Letter has nothing to do with possession or spiritual warfare.

I used to not kiss girls. I still don't, but I used not to, too.

You should have upvoted this comment yourself.

Yo, it's the Doom and his news ain't good:
"little Pookie got capped last night in the hood."
I ask Doomsday who the motherfuckers be,
"some punk ass bitches from MIT."
The fucking Institute, man I should've known,
I say meet me at my crib and hang up the phone.

GJI is like the "Casual Encounters" of the Avclub.