Noahs Arc Reactor

What about those of us who want to join a cult, but don't drink?

I still drink, but I use to, too!

Holy shit….that thing got my drink right. That's pretty creepy. Is double espresso over ice really that popular a drink?

Unfortunately, that droid later made the fatal mistake of telling post-dismemberment Vader that he was going to be "all right"…

Seriously though…the article mentions the Colbert parody, but not Bumblebee Man? I have to think that's a much more well known parody.

Maybe the first draft had a European decimal as a delimiter, instead of the comma, but the author was afraid it would come across as affected.

Go the f**k to sleep, Internet!

With Cast Away, it's not so much that the spoiler revealed what the movie was "about." For me, it threw off the whole pacing of the experience of watching the movie. The whole time, I'm sitting there patiently waiting for the part of the move where we get past what they already showed us in the trailer. Then to my

I know there's planes, cars, construction vehicles, dinosaurs, an entire city, a space shuttle, a dog, a boom box, a gun, a microscope, and one giant planet. I can't for the life of me remember any boats.


Paid the full retail price for that hardcover doorstop, for starters.

You might want to make sure to do it in a public place, like you're breaking up with an unstable SO. That sounds like a good way to get stabbed with a Bat'leth or something.

I started reading these in 2004, and frankly, I think we deserved better than the most recent book. I'm going to do what I did with Wheel of Time, which is, read the plot summaries on Wikipedia, then go skim through the chapters that seem interesting to me in a bookstore. I've lost interest in slogging through another

You know, most of us meat-bots don't speak Hexadecimal, Internet.

I liked but didn't love Wolf in White Van. I also really liked, but maybe didn't really love, Strange/Norrell. I would read the latter again over the former.

I just read Wrinkle in Time to my kids! I was worried that it was a little advanced, and it's hard to tell just how engaged they are while we read, because they can be fidgety. But My son (10) liked it well, and my daughter (8 at the time) actually liked it so much that she asked me to get her "Wind in the Door" and

"Holy crap!"

No prob, toots. Let me know if I can mansplain anything else for you.

No. But the night is young…

No, that was my wife and I, while the kids were busy playing. HEEYYYOOO!