
She's her own manager; you couldn't buy Formation until the album dropped and the video is still private, and her and her shows are brilliant entertainment.

They REALLY jumped on that ONE image that was ONE second of ONE of her videos. Formation isn't anti-police at all. She even said herself, she isn't anti police, but she is anti brutality and anti injustice and if someone has a problem with that, that isn;t because of her or her vide. The fact that they are

It wasn't actually an intentional reference to the song at all. They just credited them because after they wrote the song they realised a potential law suit. It flows with the song though.

But nothing is really truly compares to like of Thriller unless it deserves it, otherwise her last album would have got the comparisons as well.

I wonder how many people liked your comment thinking those were lyrics from her album?

A 'B' rating?! That is almighty generous! This was so poorly written and there were fr too many stupid moments to consider this to be a B.

The rest of that Flash episode was kind of sucky though.

That is a bit dramatic. Way over the top to describe an 8 year old character that is flawed, like everyone else.