
Also, as an aside, why did Amy spit in her drink? I thought that was a bit gross and I see where it added to the story line.

Possibly…regarding Amy and the thug and thugette, but I'm not getting the satire in marriage. Yes, that female TV personality was an excellent caricature, but the satire and humor, in my opinion, was kind of lame. Again, it's like someone looking at an abstract painting and hating it, while others gaze upon it

I was actually trying to like the movie, but it so pissed me off. I realize that I am in the extreme minority. The same director also directed the movie, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"…absolutely brilliant. I loved that. Again, to each his own.

It seems to me that in order for something to be humorous or satirical, a situation should have some basis in truth and then that point is pushed to absurdity through humor/satire. I didn't see that, at all. As for the unexplored, things especailly in the brother/sister relationship could have been amplified a little

I definitely missed #4. OK, OK, but who's counting, I probably could have added a couple of more points. I just hated that movie.!

I hated this movie for so many reasons: 1. It offered no motive for
elaborate plan of action to frame her husband. 2. It presents no motive
for her killing her old flame 3. It portrays her as the ultimate
murderous puppet master with an uber intellect, yet she is trapped,
beaten and robbed by two rubes whom she