
i think you missed the definition of "Important Records"

This is the second video for an "album trailer" i've seen today.  When did it become a thing to make trailers for albums?  i thought those were called "singles" and didn't require a video camera.

Alas, she perished when the roof collapsed at last week's wild flag concert at the empty bottle, along with 27 other record store clerks.

Remind me to pick this up at my local record store.

if you had good taste in 2002, you liked them, but after antics came out you said,"Meh" and moved on to listening to T. Rex.

I want to know…
where Jim Cameron gets his blow.

Not that this album is bad..
..but it's not the one that's gonna get Cuban Linx II out of my stereo.

yeah, for $300 it better be the whole series on bluray

No firsties for old men

far and away the best album I've heard involving any of these collaborators is "Read Music/Speak Spanish" by Desaparecidos.

i don't think anyone alive could possibly like it, because as soon as you hear it your head explodes due the shittiness of that lame drummer.

Interpol was a flash in the pan.

Definitely summer music. It reminds me of riding around in the back of a truck in the safeway parking lot drinking beer while totally underage.
And I don't care what anyone says, because if you're my age (29) and didn't like Sublime when you were in high school, you probably had a pretty sad life back then, because

Appetite will always remind me of summer, but even more so, the summer that T2 Judgement Day came out, I loved the video for "You Could Be Mine" from Use Your Illusions. Too bad they had to put out that other video where he jumps off the cruise ship. That shit pissed me off for the whole 7 minutes every time I

don't act like you don't sit on the shitter with your laptop dogg.

Hitting on people in internet comment boards is almost as annoying as inventory lists without AV Club asshole commentators. See Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris for further evidence.

@George Will

no, that was just plain old TOP rolling tobacco. it is available at your local bodega/7-11.

i've been waiting for ever..
for someone to ask me this question:

i'd like to refer you all to a different review, one which claims that this movie is garbage and that soderbergh is a hack. based on this review, i'd really have to say that Tobias may have phoned this one in.