
He rips and he hyphenates, he hyphenates and rips!

Pickle would say "Be th-e redd hat u want 2 see-n."

First, stop arguing with your friends. They truly are lost causes. If you continued to support this guy after—I want to say pussy-gate, but I'm a rational human being who gets kind of upset when someone brags about sexual assault—say, February 2017, you deserve every shitty thing coming your way from President

Or this is the only way Barron can get Daddy's attention. Or his way of getting back at Trump after he brought him into the Russia story.

Good. He'll be gone soon.

Pickle's sister:

Rest easy. It's fake.

Serious concerns?

Imagine what the next generation of neofascists are going to be like. They'll know not to use Twitter, they'll be polished and they won't be incontinent.

Or he really wants to know how big Trump's "white hose" is.

Bet he likes the hammer and sickle.

How big is the white hose? A little forward, don't you think, Pickle?

How great would a handwriting analysis of this piece be? Come on, Forensic Files, get on it!

Pictures of Trump aides in lockers? Wut?

That's a reasonable response.


Well, it's not like you'll die immediately if you drink alcohol, but it's really not a good thing to do with diabetes.

Can't tell if trolling or really bad at sarcasm. Either way, maybe take a break from this thread, player.

"Back In The USSR"

I'm becoming a stereotype that right-wingers like to discuss: The intolerant lefty.