Paul 512

Yes, Szilard is not an common name. It is even more interesting that Leo Szilard, while writing the letter that Einstein signed to Roosevelt urging the devotion of resources to a project that could materially affect the outcome of the war, afterward urged that the Bomb be demonstrated to the Japanese to avoid

Season 1 Episode 4, Cura Te Ipsum. Finch is in an emergency department to keep tabs on the current PoI, a physician. His cervical films plainly show quite a bit of hardware, so he did get treatment for his neck injury.

Root uses a DoubleTap tactical pistol, 2 rounds of .45 ACP in over/under barrels, break open action, 2 more rounds in the handgrip. 45 ball ammo could easily penetrate an elevator door, they aren't designed to be bullet resistant. It was annoying to never see her reload, she was often walking around with an empty

I've always liked Fiver's statement to General Woundwort:
"You are closer to death than I"