He looks like Squints from The Sandlot in that photo. Is he about to fake his own drowning to perv on a sexy lifeguard?
He looks like Squints from The Sandlot in that photo. Is he about to fake his own drowning to perv on a sexy lifeguard?
God forbid.
They are a fucking joke indeed.
Done with NBC forever after this season ends. Damn it! I knew this could happen but it still sucks. Maybe the universe will smile upon us and Anazon or Netflix will pick this amazing show up.
This Monday is ending on a genuinely crummy note.
He's just doin' his contrarian thang that he always does.
This is kind of weird but I laughed a lot harder at seeing "Ass-Pen" typed out in your comment than I did when Farrell said the line in the show. That dopey kid got owned.
That was a pretty bad line. I liked the episode but that was an all-time clanger for sure.
That last pull-away shot from the crime scene was pretty great. It's definitely got a different vibe to it than season 1, I'll give Pizzolato that. So far McAdams's character is the only one that's really grabbing me, Farrell and Kitsch's characters seem a little too cut-and-dry at this early date. The soundtrack is…
I wouldn't bother looking it up, what the show is doing with it is far, far more interesting than what Thomas Harris did in the novels.
The best yet of this young season, and I don't imagine I'm the only one who got a very heavy Pan's Labyrinth vibe from the scenes at Lecter's dilapidated family home. I'd say the only miscues here for me were the Crawford scenes, which felt a bit shoehorned into what was otherwise a really enjoyable double narrative…
I straight-up cackled at that whole scene, especially that line. This show can pull off amazingly dark humor when it wants to.
God, I fucking hate FIFA.
Agh, I can't wait!
Very cool, I will definitely check it out. I really enjoyed the film and it's a plus that they're getting the original voice actors for the leads back. That's not something I can recall happening with too many other spin-offs of animated features.
Nah, Dany is Bush.
Those things made narrative sense. Sansa being raped was just lurid sexual violence for no reason at all, and it's not the first time either. This show isn't worthy of the source material anymore.
I was also hoping some sort of alarm horn signalling Stannis's arrival at Winterfell would interrupt the scene.
But what was the point? To illustrate that Ramsay's a sexually violent psycho? We already knew that. It was just torture porn if you ask me. And inserting a rape scene involving Sansa to illustrate Theon's mental anguish is all kinds of fucked up.