
You are missing out, it's a kickassfunky rap opera that is prime for smoking weed.

You are missing out, it's a kickassfunky rap opera that is prime for smoking weed.

Child actor ends up being a prick? Well color me shocked.

This is

Looks like I just lost my free subscription

Oh boy
More robot chicken

Man with ponytail
is a pervert, who would have guessed!?!

Or you could see that the album has a track called Brian Eno and it's them singing about how much they really admire Brian Eno, and to an extent, Bowie.

seriously I want more zwan

yeah go back to Zwan

Nooo it is gone!

But this album owns.

Definitely going to see this
and brown bag it.

The only problem I had with this game was the weak sauce story. Everything else is good old fashioned fun.

Crash was an awful movie and even worse tv show.

Southland was actually pretty good. It was like if Crash didn't suck.

Oh boy.
So, unlike the book, the movie isn't a circle jerk of how cool Tucker Max is?

This is their worst yet.
I blame shitty vampires.

The only racing game ever
was Mario Kart 64. Nothing existed before, and certainly not after.

Kind of brings a new meaning to
rape me