Vajayjay Leno

Man, I really enjoyed Brimstone. I mean, 75% of that was John Glover, but I also otherwise thought it was a really good use of Christian mythology.

Unfortunately, I have to agree even though I like The Soup. It really only works because A) reality TV is fucking weird and B) Joel is so damn charming.

I assume Brunt took the place of Zek's son and we're all better off for having more Jeffery Combs.

Definitely built by Bajoran slave labor- just watched an episode last night where Gul Dukat demands Terok Nor back since it was Cardassian property and Sisko calmly responds that it was built by Bajorans.

Hey guys remember that Leonard Nimoy song hobbit something hobbit words.

Lexx was a much trashier show, but I have to give them credit for Mantrid. That was a pretty dang clever villain and their method of dispatching him doubly so.

It turns out that Rosebud is in purgatory inside a snowglobe being imagined by an autistic kid who is mitochondrial Eve listening to Journey as we suddenly cut to black followed by an explanation that Dexter Morgan never returned home because he was, in fact, a ghost the entire time.

You could apply the same label to, say, Christopher Walken. It doesn't diminish his fantastic performances, it just says that sometimes he just takes a job because it's a job. Who cares. He's still fantastic when something deserves him being fantastic.

They did a pretty good reimagining of Buck Rogers already, it was called Farscape.