
I like the movie since it's the only time I've seen Snyder's trademark desaturated colors actually work along with everything else. It's not great but it's good, I hated it the first time but rewatched it

The fuckin movie removed the whole point of Ozymandius manufacturing a threat from beyond our own world being a greater than each other. It was bad and the slowmo was cool but wasn't as good as the graphic novel. Grow up

I agree, Watchmen had nuance? Not just well made ramping scenes that are tiresome almost a decade later? It worked when it was made despite its fuckupz

Hey, advertise if you're gonna plug a link to a patreon site. I don't even know what Chapo is and honestly I'm not paying for some postmortem of 300 without a preview just fuck off. It sucks no one should make money off it

You actually like that shit compared to the actual trilogy? I'm legit curious please tell me why

So, wait, from the last line it appears the AV Club suggests we all WATCH kingdom of the crystal skull again, rather that just laugh at the things people put actual effort into compared to that that turkey-neck son of a bitch

We Hate Movies did a fantastic commentary on the episode a few years ago, perfectly documenting the extent of Tom Atkins' alcoholism.

This is really, really stupid. Bad job, very bad job internet.

seanie, huh? sounds like you two have a personal history. did he not pull out or what

uh, hey guys, i don't mean to be a Captain Bringdown, but the artist's name sounded familiar to me.

you know what's more than tripled? the cost of everything else.
money would solve the problem.

you know what's more than tripled? the cost of everything else.
money would solve the problem.

The crinkly book was interfering with what they were picking up on the microphones, so it got switched to a giraffe

I'm the age of the girl that Sandler is trying to fuck. By extension he's trying to fuck me. That's gross, he's probably old and saggy.