Emil Muzz

"I want to be a hairdresser. Or two. I want to be two hairdressers."

I'm on the internet so I could look it up, but I don't have to: There definitely was a Green Hornet comic book. EVERY TV show in the 60's had a comic book associated with it. Hell, I bet even Peyton Place had a comic book.

Buster, you're thinking of that other feminine product, Kotex Maxi Pads. "It has wings!"

Why is no one addressing the fact that the name "Tosh.0" makes no sense?

Holy shit! Two whole goddamn weeks!

The D.A. husband is next season.

KOD, that long monologue where HDS explains what happened to him, that would be really interesting with a werewolf angle.

Even better.

This episode
deserves an F- merely for the "Nobody puts baby in the coroner" line.

Enough with the "Deer" bands!
Deerhoof, Deerhunter, Deer Tick….Deer God, let it stop there!

Fred Travalena
NOTHING about Fred Travalena in the newswire? C'mon, he was at least the fourth or fifth greatest impressionist of all time, show some respect.

Gus Mastrapa
So now there's someone who actually knows shit about videogames reviewing videogames for the AV Club? About time.

I don't remember them being able to fly. Maybe you're thinking of the Harlem Globetrotters cartoon where they had superpowers (loved that one too).

Jackson 5 cartoon show
I dug the Jackson 5 cartoon show when I was a kid. I was a little too young the first time around, but I remember seeing it in syndicated reruns in the 80's.

I'm not really into the whole "being contentious on the Internet" thing, but gawd-DAMN you're fucking stupid.

What makes me sad is that everybody is throwing Ed McMahon into this triumvirate of celebrity death instead of Sky Saxon because, well, they've never fucking heard of Sky Saxon. They've seen that fucking Axe commercial, though, so they're like "Oh yeah, that song was on that commercial with the hot chick in her

Yes, and undoubtedly still awesome.

This just in
When he heard the news, Billy Childish dropped dead.

I thought he was dead.

I see it being on a triple bill with "If…" and "The Chocolate War."