Don Staples

Ugh! It's almost as if they're saving something for the actual movie!

He's the Iron Man that obeys orders. Whoop.

For a time, I considered sparing your wretched little planet, Cybertron. But now, you shall witness it's dismemberment.

Iluvyouse, yafookin' bastards …

Ahahaha. Young man!

Ah, he's only had a few beers, he's still cool to drive.

Well, that was back in my ketamine days, so …

Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron

And he put a hand on your shoulder and said, "Son, I've always known …"

Hey, I got an e-mail earlier telling me that only idiots have a tiny weener and do I want do be an idiot Don_Staples?

This isn't war, it's moidah!


You should have gone for the opposite tack - OMG this looks like an abortion!

It would be pretty great, and it would make as much money as the 'normal', action-packed, $300-million-to-make, CGI-stuffed version.

Oh come on. It's a fine review. Minus.

I wouldn't be clicking on advertising links, much less spending money on anything advertised on these fucking things anyway.

It's way, way better than that.

I think Mockingbeard turned out to be a Skrull.

Mini Series?

Also they give the impression that she was conscious when she drowned inside her cryotube. I mean, damn, son.