Both of those statements are true. What is also true is that, prior to dying of cancer, the cancer cost that dog one of its legs.
Both of those statements are true. What is also true is that, prior to dying of cancer, the cancer cost that dog one of its legs.
I just gotta ask, Gwen, did you review this film because you got a kid (or kids) who would be into this sort of thing, did you draw titles out of a hat and this is what you got? I mean, the other options is that you chose to review this, which, OK, that's cool, I just don't know that it's AVC material, even though…
Ender's Game isn't a terrible book, I will grant that. Pastwatch was also pretty good. The rest of his stuff is "acceptable" to "fucking terrible".
This is one of those Great Truths that seems so obvious, but you never really notice it until you share the experience with someone outside your immediate circle.
Almost had that shit happen to me in Berlin a few years back. Seems the age of consent there is 14 or some ludicrously low number. Me and some dudes are hanging out at a bar in… I don't know where the fuck, but it was like south-central Berlin… anyway, I've got like half my eyes on, because we've been in there like…
Are you an idiot, Herpes? Votes are decided not by the merits or moral balance of the legislation, or even by popular appeal, but by which groups can pony up the most-effective lobbying dollars. NOM has been *instrumental* in funding anti-LGBT legislation movements across the country, and has spent somewhere north of…
I dunno, Time-Hat was pretty dope.
Shit. I mean, I don't watch his movies, but I don't think he deserves to die from being mauled by a cheetah. Better than being raped to death by a bear, but, damn…
The meaning in English is one-on-one, or man-to-man.
I think you did, man. You wanted to get some quality titties out on there, didn't you?
*points the way to Pacific Rim*
Hmm. This seems appropriate.
The Imperial Navy handles those tasks. They are a separate command from the Adeptus Astartes.
If you tell the client how the magic works, and doesn't work, and the client doesn't believe you ("If I just press this button, no, you will not automatically sound like me") then you are well within your God-given right to humiliate your client for being a fucking moron. Most people, however, can't financially…
Even if liking a particular thing makes you, objectively, a terrible person.
They might look better, but you'd have to glue their feet to something and then pin the knees in place to have any hope… any hope at all… of having the figure actually *stand* on your desk.
Have we also not previously established that you are not, in the strictest sense, a legal gun owner due to a prior criminal conviction, or was that someone else? Apologies if that was not you, but gun conversations don't pop up very often in these parts.
I really wouldnt want a war vet with severe PTSD to have a firearm, either, because, yeah, they are kind of fucking crazy. I say this as an Army vet with low to moderate PTSD.
For the French, yes.
What the Butler Done Seen? What?