
I think Kol compelled that guy. Stefan and Rebekah didn't know Kol was going around sabotaging things at that point.

Caroline, consensually took Damon to bed; and yes, she was moaning in pleasure. If they had continued to have sex then, no big deal. Just because she was flirting aggressively and "MOANING IN PLEASURE" (your caps), it doesn't give him the right to continue doing whatever he wants after that.
The moment he started

Caroline, consensually took Damon to bed; and yes, she was moaning in pleasure. If they had continued to have sex then, no big deal. Just because she was flirting aggressively and "MOANING IN PLEASURE" (your caps), it doesn't give him the right to continue doing whatever he wants after that.
The moment he started

She didn't have sex with him until AFTER he started feeding on her. They were in bed and they still had their clothes on. She looked terrified and screamed. So he either compelled her to be submissive or he forced himself on her regardless. Either way could be called rape. One might consider compelling someone to be

She didn't have sex with him until AFTER he started feeding on her. They were in bed and they still had their clothes on. She looked terrified and screamed. So he either compelled her to be submissive or he forced himself on her regardless. Either way could be called rape. One might consider compelling someone to be

It was consensual up until the point Caroline took Damon to her bedroom. He began biting her and she screamed in pain/terror. The following day she wakes up in her own blood, likely having slept with him, trying to get away from him. He shoves her onto her bed and she starts crying and sobbing "no, no, no" and he

It was consensual up until the point Caroline took Damon to her bedroom. He began biting her and she screamed in pain/terror. The following day she wakes up in her own blood, likely having slept with him, trying to get away from him. He shoves her onto her bed and she starts crying and sobbing "no, no, no" and he