Car Thief

I agree that scene had a genuine feel to it. The irony of the math kid vocally sussing out the dismal reality of Ray's ("i'm a coach, not a math teacher") situation with that dutifully upbeat and pseudo-formal tone was fucking painful. The way Ray adopted the logic at the hardware store was also great, but equally

These kind of things tend to happen when you huff gold paint all the time. Warrior fan or not.

You're forgetting that most people don't watch this show to find depth, and certainly not to "ponder dire dilemmas." But you're dead fucking on about people liking to jerk off, hence Entourage's popularity. But, I like hearing the AVC writers rag on it, so I say keep it. It would be especially cool if they turned

Babybiceps - The NBB co.'s brewery (aka Mothership Wit) is open to the public for tours and tasting and shit. It's a good time. Plus, you'd be in CO, which is great in and of itself.

Whoo42 and Yelper, you are a couple of bitches. Both of NB's wheats are good. Sunshine kicks ass, and Mothership Wit kicks Sunshine's ass. But then again, I tend to drink them soon after they are bottled, as I live in CO. You must drink them after they've gone bad, as it takes a while to get our good beer from CO

Damn Lexicon, you are teaching me all kinds of neat shit. For instance, I had no idea that marijuana was a drug! For some reason, I had it in my mind that marijuana is a plant which contains many chemicals, some of which are considered "drugs." I guess Dr Dre was refering to the album being persistent (not dope),

* Or you could hop on the pirate bay
and search for Hal Hartley and get 5 of his movies (including Trust*) in a couple of hours. Don't feel bad about D/ling a movie that can't be bought in Region 1. If they wanted you to buy the movie, they would, you know, sell it to you.

My alma mater Cannabis studorium is CU-Denver. Ganja is one of the core curricula at CU. Plus, a modest understanding of Cannabis is a pre-requisite for most of the upper level science classes here. Proper use of the English language is not, however, a requisite for graduation here. Which is why I have Criadahu.

is not a strain of marijuana. Well, it could have been originally I guess. More accurately though, chronic is just a generic term for high grade Cannabis.

I have to admit I kind of fell out after SuperSexy Swingin' Sounds. I just never got into the solo stuff when WZ ended it. All 4 albums I've heard had great moments (and some cool soundtrack songs in between). I never heard the Soul-Crusher CD. I can't remember if it was WZ's "Welcome to Planet Mofo" or Pantera's

Dude, I bought La Sex through the mail when I was 11 (fucking Parental Advisory bullshit), making it the first rock album I ever bought. My mom found the bill for the order and thought I was into neo-nazi, satanic, latino porn (the bill showed: "White Zombie - La Sexorcisto: Devil Music, Vol. 1"). Despite her Orrin

Is this a commercial DVD? Or some outta-mexicans-trunk dvd? Just curious if I have a chance of finding it on Amazon or Torrent sites or whatever? What's this DVD called?

All is forgiven JJ… as soon as my balls get licked.

Word Chaps, word.

The song was a Narcocorrido. Norteno describes the musical style more than the lyrical content. The Narcocorrido is an oral history related to crime, with Norteno-esque music. Have none of you fools ever watched the Shield for christsakes?

Test these hypotheses on yourself first, please. Though I would suggest an oxygen RICH environment rather than a oxygen ruch one.

It's surprising that a child prodigy would study to cut hair and do make-up and what not. Usually they go into things like physics or mathematics instead of cosmotology.

I suggest you start with Hyperspace and work up from there. If you're having trouble understanding WTF he's talking about, supplement with 30mgs of 2,4,5 TMA and some Bach.

Ingalls… Hence why I suggested the "nad-ectomy" (sounds cooler than bilat. orchiectomy) should be performed AFTER the mets. Then it would be purely punitive, as all of these canceraids mofos deserve. At least the annoying ass firsties are easy to skip over, BECAUSE THEY'RE ALWAYS FIRST. This canceraidsfuckmyass BS

Catch teticular cancer, and become aware of it AFTER it metastasizes around your body via the lymph nodes, then get a bilateral orchiectomy, THEN die from the mets cancer you canceraids bitches. Better now? And testicular cancer isn't "cured," it's removed (via orchiectomy) before spreading.