I think it's actually a slogan for a magazine for yuppie dog owners.
I think it's actually a slogan for a magazine for yuppie dog owners.
I do too!
lionofdharma is correct. Read them in the order they were written. I adore Hannibal Rising, but I won't pretend it isn't ludicrous. (Hannibal is too, though. If you're going to skip two, skip Hannibal and Hannibal Rising—or read them with the understanding that they seem to belong to a different thematic universe than…
I took that as "I will wound this dog to lure Will out to the woods for killin'" rather than an unsuccessful attempt to actually kill Buster. If Tier had meant to chomp Buster to death, Buster would've died.
Pissy? Petulant? I'll have you know he has a ticket to Holiday on Ice!
It is delightfully bonkers. Definitely bonkers…but delightfully so.
I would love to see an alternate-universe version of Silence of the Lambs with Cox as Lecter. (Love Hopkins, of course, but Cox even in the brief period he's onscreen in Manhunter he brings out such different, interesting shades to the character, and he's really scary.)
I agree. I love Manhunter and think it's a better movie than Red Dragon, but it is a chilly one. I really have to, like, feel okay with the world to watch Manhunter and not have it ruin my night.
There is more than enough room in my heart for Heald AND Esparza. Their portrayals are pretty different but both are excellent.
And should be.
Lecter's sixth finger is entirely absent from the Hannibal Rising novel.
I can't disagree with anything Dowd has to say about Hannibal Rising, but neither can I stop loving that stupid, wonderful, stupid movie.
"- Yo. Why did Will tell Hannibal about Bedelia? I'm pissed that he's put her in peril."
Hannibal doesn't subsist on a 100%-people diet all the time. Also, of course, the Ripper hasn't been ripping lately. Since Hannibal got most people to believe Chilton was the Ripper, isn't he taking a little hiatus from murder? Taking some time off to nurture Will and whisper through the chrysalis and whatever?…