

Oh sure, everyone's invited to objectify!

Just realized the two main relationships: Jeff and Britta // Abed and Troy didn't really get any resolution. Jeff got some resolution, but we have NO idea what is happening to ANY of these people. Ambiguity is fine, but we didn't even get an *emotional* finale for anyone but Jeff.

Favorite episode: Contemporary American Poultry

I'm much more melancholy after tonight's Community finale(?) than last year's. I think that's because I knew they had more story to tell. Now that our hero's journey is complete Community can finally rest. S4 was its weakest by far, but my love for the show last a looong time

Straight Guys Talkin' 'Bout Community: … Just … Alison Brie

Wow, a flash forward setting up a "who's the daddy?" situation is actually really intriguing; I like that. And haha, yeah, Kurt is sure to have a good speech lined up.

So what was the deal with Rachel checking (her?) datebook in the end of the episode? Was she checking the last time she had her period? Do women do that?

Can we talk about how this show is a less funny/poorer produced aping of Tim and Eric Awesome Show? They essentially follow the same structure (ABCABDACDBACBA; see: http://www.cathyafisher.com…, add the same little jokes (see: "Ashram Kitchen’s Prank’d”, with the correct words underneath) and ape the public access TV

Anecdotally, I've found women to like 30 Rock more than men. I'm saying this as a man who just pretty much likes the show. Does anyone agree with my hypothesis?

Wait, are you saying I shouldn't have bought all those Dawes records?

Wait, are you saying I shouldn't have bought all those Dawes records?

Hey, A.V. Club. Stop defending this show. It's bad … not as good. Please confirm this so I can just stop watching now.

Hey, A.V. Club. Stop defending this show. It's bad … not as good. Please confirm this so I can just stop watching now.

Really the only important thing about tonight's episode:

Really the only important thing about tonight's episode:

I gotta say, this is probably my favorite Simpsons episode ever.

I gotta say, this is probably my favorite Simpsons episode ever.

This week's Comedy Bang Bang! shows why certain people just can't do the show. Scott Jefferies was an unbelievably funny character the first go-around in "Ride Like Hell," because he had Paul F. Tompkins' Werner Herzog and dadaist comedian Brent Weinbach to play off of, which then allowed The Choctaw to get silly as

This week's Comedy Bang Bang! shows why certain people just can't do the show. Scott Jefferies was an unbelievably funny character the first go-around in "Ride Like Hell," because he had Paul F. Tompkins' Werner Herzog and dadaist comedian Brent Weinbach to play off of, which then allowed The Choctaw to get silly as