
My ranking:

Wow. I couldn't disagree more. This is my favorite episode to date. A all the way.

Full House.

Alex, your reviews are insightful and well written. But when I saw you gave tonights episode yet another B+ it made me want to strangle you to death.

I hated this movie when I first saw it but I watched it again a couple of years ago and it was actually pretty decent. Escape From L.A., Ghosts of Mars, and Memoirs of an Invisible Man are all far worse in my opinion.

1. The Immigrant
2. Whiplash
3. Boyhood
4. Nightcrawler
5. Under The Skin
6. Interstellar
7. Listen Up Philip
8. Snowpiercer
9. John Wick
10. Two Days, One Night

RIP. Thanks for the nightmares.

Peele called Gremlins 2 a masterpiece on twitter. I completely agree.

Go Land Crabs! I had to pause it I laughed so hard.

Actually the campers were killed by another group of unseen survivors not zombies. They make a point of saying so.

Does anybody know what that last line was that Sacha Baron Cohen said to the kid before the main titles? I've rewound it about a thousand times and can't make it out.

Can someone explain to me why the episodes are so significantly shorter this season?