
The student loan debt thing is both overblown and undersold. Average debt is in the mid $20,000s but the median is more like $13k. The average student in default has debt below the median. These are students who attend, borrow, and do not graduate. Borrowers of higher amounts are also those more likely to repay. Some

Unlike most golfers, Mickelson failed to diversify into chalk, toothpaste, and marshmallow fluff.

I was baffled as to how the show could justify Freddie besting Kish given we'd had an extended look at his pathetic physique earlier. Does Freddie look like he could overpower anyone on the show?

Strange trend
Who knew having a face full of pubes would ever be something to be proud of. Someday there will be gross dudes sculpting their ball/taint/asshole nests into interesting shapes, I'm sure.

If one believes that there will be a massive educated labor shortfall after the baby boomers shuffle off, the trade-schooled folks will not suffice as replacments as they currently stand.

Blaming the unions
Maybe I'm too unabashedly pro-labor to be objective here, but it seems that the unions get a disproportionate amount of blame. Are the teachers in high-achieving publics not unionized? Are their unions' goals different?