
Something I have come to realize on my slow path of Doctor Who viewing (ontheslowpath.blogspot.com) about New Who vs. Classic Who: the show runners today seem to be trying to appeal to the stunted child in adults rather than to the grown-up intelligence of children.

The rape of Anna is pure manufactured drama. It would have been more believable and effective if the victim had been Ivy or Daisy. As it is, I fear that the rape is going to become all about Bates and largely ignore the social implications of rape for women at that time.

Carol is a coward. "Nobody else has to know." Carol thinks she is strong; thinks she is being proactive; thinks she is acting when no one else is. Carol has shut off her emotions; become pragmatic. But Carol is not strong. If she were, she would go back to the prison and plead her case.
"Nobody else has to know." Carol

Since Daryl told Tyreese last episode that he wanted to put a bolt through the head of whoever killed Karen and David, I'm not certain he is going to take Carol's part in this.

I would like to point out that Carol could drive straight back to the prison and throw herself on the mercy of the council, and Rick is perfectly aware that this option is open to her. If she chooses not to, which I suspect will be the case, it is because:
1. She respects Rick's decision.
2. She is ashamed to face her