Welcome to the Office, Brent and Dan! Hope you survive the experience!
Welcome to the Office, Brent and Dan! Hope you survive the experience!
Welcome to the Office, Brent and Dan! Hope you survive the experience!
I'm sure the arms and legs moving are from Sherlock very precisely aiming his descent.
I'm sure the arms and legs moving are from Sherlock very precisely aiming his descent.
I'm sure that even if Moriarty didn't fake his own death (he probably did), he had someone ready to dispose of his body.
I'm sure that even if Moriarty didn't fake his own death (he probably did), he had someone ready to dispose of his body.
@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus , I'm sure his awful treatment towards women is related to his mommy issues that his brother keeps talking about. Never read the original stories, but maybe there's something in them about his relationship with his mother?
@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus , I'm sure his awful treatment towards women is related to his mommy issues that his brother keeps talking about. Never read the original stories, but maybe there's something in them about his relationship with his mother?
The graphic novels don't take place in chronological order. Almost every book after the first has Marv, just before he died.
It's way easier if I can just ask someone else to do it. If I was a grad student instead of married with kids and a job, then sure.
Now how about someone do a mega-cut of Linda from Bob's Burgers doing all of her non-verbal sounds (how else do you describe it?)
Better than mourning Trip's clone on "Enterprise".
…and for every scene without Poochie, all of the other characters should be saying "Hey, where's Poochie?"
Do you mean the DS9 episode companion? That would be a nice book to have.
I love "Whispers". First of all, it takes the whole "Everyone's acting crazy!" plot and turns it on its head. I fully expected O'Brien to find the drug that had taken over everyone's brain and fix it. I love how they play on that expectation.
I love Episode 1 hate as much as the next guy, but…calling it cheap looking? All I saw the whole time was all the money they spent on the special effects.
I would totally buy this new version if one of the special features was the puppet ending over TMBG's "Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head".
Do you mean "very few expectations" in a good way or bad way? It could just be your way of saying he's unpredictable.
I've just seen the first two and the most recent episode, so there you go. Maybe I'm cherry picking.
Yeah, it was an awesome show, but I think it was too challenging for most audiences. It took a lot of work to keep track of what was going on in both realities. This week's episode was awesome, though.