The Theta Graft

I used to love it when they'd have various bands as guest-hosts. When They Might Be Giants (my favorite band) hosted, my head almost exploded. "There's just 120 minutes to the show! And there's only 59 minutes left to go. Then we die, then we die."

A sarcasm meter? Now, *that's* a useful invention!

If there was ever someone who could cover TMBG and do it right, it's Weird Al. And then our heads would explode.

John and John really took the gig seriously. Most bands just stared into the camera and read the tele-prompter, but TMBG really got into it. I can still remember them belting out the band names: "We've still got videos from Rocket From the Crypt and MC 900 Foot Jesus!!!" (I had their episodes taped and watched them

State songs, state songs, I can't wait for my favorite one

No need to apologize, my love
Just kiss me goodbye

Thanks for clarifying…I almost thought you were speaking figuratively.

Isn't that the one where Dumbledore Calrissian has to keep the one ring away from the Klingons?
That doesn't sound right…

Honestly, I don't understand why there's all this anti-Gretchen & Elliot sentiment going around. If I was in their place, you're damned right I'd go out of my way to distance myself from Walter and protect their company. Did they damage his pride? Poor baby.

My kids (4 and 6) love the Topsy episode. At any time, "They'll say 'Aw, Topsy' at my autopsy" will just start coming out of their mouths.

I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet, but the Terminator parody in Mother Daughter Laser Razor is brilliant.

Two hours and nobody responded to this with an Arrested Development joke? Come on!

Hopefully, with a few "bitches" and "yo's"

Jenny Slate is actually funny, where Charles Rocket was a humor black hole. Have you seen Slate on Parks and Recreation, Bob's Burgers or the webseries Catherine?

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus …I think she's busy.

I honestly thought the artwork *was* Steve Dillon until I got about halfway through the article. I just figured the two names they mentioned were co-writers.

"Look, if you want a sandwich, I'll just make you a sandwich." -a line that sounds really boring on paper, but is hilarious when Kumail delivers it :)

Ah, the AVClub. Masters of snarky comments. Will Walt Jr get breakfast? Will someone tell Lydia which show she's on? Pure gold.

It's also pretty hard for Seth Rogen to act like anyone besides himself.

I think the creepy part is that there's certain Bronies who honestly believe the show was made for them instead of for young girls. Adventure Time is a cartoon that's made equally for young and old audiences, but MLP is definitely a kids cartoon. In the lobby after the movie, I got to see some teenage boys gushing