The Theta Graft

There seems to be a lot of people confusing Doctor Who with Star Trek: The Next Generation in here. Common mistake.

And Sean's also assuming Doctor Who will take up both of the top 2 spots, which isn't necessarily true. Community got onto the list for a very good reason.

I'm sure Madonna has so much money by now that this won't be that upsetting to her.

You're right. Too many "investigating" episodes.

I see. Except he's not talking about quality, just that he and Moffat already have Hugos. Nice guy, though.

We'd have to throw a complicated space-time event into the rift for it to close. Does anybody around here qualify? :)

Really? How do you know that?

Now with Kung Fu Grip!

Seriously, why do people still do this? Is there a rush of gratification from a successful firstie?

Ah, so Sean's right, there is a bitter split.

Who in the world could ever think that The Girl Who Waited was better than The Doctor's Wife??? It's no contest.

I think there was an X-Men Origins: Magneto movie in development at one point. I wonder whatever happened to that.

@avclub-90a5da808b7409c044aac94d490e7f0d:disqus , how dare you express an opinion on Portlandia before the series is over!

Yeah, why do the Prophets give an F about Kira's love life?

You will enjoy later seasons, then, Zack. You get evil moments, plus thoughtful discussions on how to best be evil.

I agree with your first point, but what does TWOK have to do with the Prime Directive? Khan and his people were all humans.

My favorites: season 3's "A Simple Investigation"/"The Die is Cast" and season 6's "In The Pale Moonlight". Season 5's "Children of Time" is excellent, but that's an episode that could've worked in any other series.


"…last chance to push the cancellation button!"

Aw, but I want jokey personal attacks *now*!