The Theta Graft

"No, I don't watch Wizards of Waverly Place because I AM AN ADULT!"

The trailer doesn't look bad to me, but it also doesn't give me any idea what the show is going to be like. Space battles are fine, but there's got to be some kind of story behind it.

I could've sworn that Sean was being ironic when he talked about the religion being a drag. Maybe my snark-o-meter's broken.

UNLESS…the Doctor took a trip back to the Library from "Silence in the Library" and somehow extracted her from the main computer?

It varies. Amy Pond and Donna Noble got plenty of story and characterization, but Martha Jones ended up doing little more than fawning over the Doctor.

Rumors have already started that she'll be River Song, but I can't see how in the world that would work. Let's just hope to God she doesn't fall in love with the Doctor. Come on, Moffat, could you make her a lesbian or something?

You got me. The only possible types of companies are either gigantic corporations or independent record stores, so let's go as big as we can!

I don't mean to downplay what people went through in your town, Sir Osis. I just don't think it's a good idea for our economy to be built on large corporations. If the economic condition of your town was so dependent on a single company, it made that town a lot more vulnerable when that company left. If a company is

Kudos to Ansari and anyone else who finds ways to cut out the middlemen. The less important big corporations are, the better.

Hey jmunney, I guess you're from Albuquerque, eh?

How is it 'widely regarded'? I thought series 4 was much better than 1-3, and Donna Noble is still my favorite companion. She was the first to get out of the pattern of swooning over the Doctor (I'm looking at you, Martha), and she's definitely the most self-sufficient.

I can see the emotion too, I'm just trying to show how an outsider perceived them. Probably similar to how outsiders perceive Community, which has more subtle emotion embedded in it too.

I usually love being right, but being right about the number of Lwaxana Troi DS9 episodes has done nothing for me :(

The comment about Community being "emotionally malnourished" reminds me of when I tried to turn a friend of mine onto They Might Be Giants (my favorite band). He found the songs agreeable enough, but said there was no real emotion to it. Maybe we geeks just like our entertainment without the burdens of emotion? After

I'd have to disagree with that. Faux-livia isn't evil. It's a much more nuanced, human performance. Evil Kira is pretty cartoony, and definitely evil.

It's funny that Visitor's method of becoming a villain is to smile a lot. It works, mind you, I just wonder if she tries to be a Joker-type of villain.

How many Lwaxana episodes were there? For some reason, I thought there were three. It just shows how memorable they were to me.

Now that I think of it, yeah, "Dramatis Personae" is just like that one TNG episode. You know, the one where everything starts off normal, but then people slowly start acting weird, and then there's a sci-fi explanation for it about 3/4 of the way through. And then Data came up with a solution at the last second.

Was it just me, or did Blake back-handedly insult Lex's looks?

I just see a white space below the article, no video. Anybody else get that?