If you look at your instant queue, there will be a warning next to the things that are going away, like: "Until 2/29/12"
If you look at your instant queue, there will be a warning next to the things that are going away, like: "Until 2/29/12"
Oh my God…of all time? Really? Wait, how long have the Razzies been around?
I love how Sandler misspells his own name :)
I agree. I'd rather watch the news episodes with an open mind instead of expecting to be disappointed.
One thing I'm wondering is, if the Observers could go back and rewrite history so September didn't save Peter in the lake, why not change it so he didn't distract Walternate in the first place?
Family Love Baby!
I wouldn't say that. 5.4 million people for the season finale of a big NBC show would be pretty awful. Doesn't The Voice get something like 13 million for an average episode?
Easy explanation: they make all the kids read/speak English. Oh yeah, I mean "Federation Standard".
But did they keep the scene of Aniston running topless?
The biggest question is, of course, will the Google Goggles report back to Google about everything you've been looking at?
Saving the Earth merely puts off Judgement Day, in the minds of certain conservatives.
Fox News thinks that the message "We shouldn't destroy the Earth" is a politically-charged attack on corporations.
Ha, beat you to it, ToddG!
Will Stewie from Family Guy be there?
Data doesn't have emotions, so he just looks at all behavior like a vast array of…well, abstract data. It makes sense that Odo works to understand people's motivations and how they influence behavior.
One of the reasons Odo's so great right out of the gate is that Rene Auberjonois is such a great actor. Odo might've become stale and boring in the hands of a lesser actor.
I never looked at it that way, but you're absolutely right. And anytime Quark complains about it, everybody just laughs, like "Oh, that silly Ferengi acting all put-upon."
Chief O'Brien saves the day…with the power of stories!
It's kind of hard to remember "The Nagus", when it's so different from the Ferengi stuff that came afterwards. I wonder if they took a look at this one and said "Hey! We totally wasted Wallace Shawn here!" Rom also magically changed into a completely different character in later seasons. Can you imagine Season 5 Rom…
Yeah, the poster line was awesome.