
So what you're saying is he's got the stripes, but not the tie.
He's got the bread, but not the butter

Mr Siegal is the standout from that album in my opinion

Coldplay is music for people who think U2 rocks just a bit too hard

After listening to his train-wreck second appearance on Who Charted, this episode was nice because they didn't let him overpower it.

I've been impressed with Scheer as a character guy on CBB. I know it's sacrilege and I've been chastised about it before, but I'll say it again: I prefer him to Paul F. Tompkins even. PFT has too much of a smug self-satisfied thing. Scheer just dives in.

I don't know, I'm a big fan of Swardson as a guest on podcasts. I think he's conversationally funny which is why it works; his projects (stand-up, pretend time) are a different matter.
He's the kind of guy that would be funny to hang out with, but not as a performer.

Also, per a point I made in a different thread, religions pay no taxes on their properties. Science organizations must.

I still haven't heard you say what these experiences are that you qualify as "beyond the realm of the senses". I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings for someone to tell you that this stuff is nonsense, but it is.

I'd just like to point out that according to Fuck-ton Sinclair's equation, a 12-year-old cannot date a girl who is younger than 13.

It's just a shitty approximation of pi

It's ok to say that something was of shitty quality, even if it's free. There's a difference between saying that it sucked and saying that you demand better. I get that DLM is free, but that doesn't mean this episode didn't suck.

I had to give up on it. Benson irritates the hell out of me, and I don't think I've ever laughed at anything he's ever said. It's just too consistently boring. I can't believe that people are still interested in a pot comic. I like the Maltin game, but it takes about 15 minutes of the podcast and they only do like

I know some people are hating on the grade given here, but this was light years better than the season opener. At least there weren't quite as many talk shows as usual.
Also, nice to see Jay Pharaoh do something that wasn't an impression on Update. I questioned earlier in the year if we had any reason to think he

I would love to see an episode that carries on right where the ending left off, with the fake goatees and one-armed Jeff. That was amazing.

Certainly if we can argue about it as people on the internet, we can bring Dawkins to the table too, no? No one made the claim that "Dawkins said it, so it's right".

Who said it doesn't exist? None of the stuff you mention here is beyond logic OR the senses. The fact that you can't quite put into words why you donate money to the human rights campaign isn't proof of a 'realm beyond the senses'.

Everybody's experiences? No, just the lunatic fringe who insist on visiting with Jesus, faith healing, alien abductions, Bigfoot sightings, and things like that.

Because it can be entirely explained just as well without them. It's called Occam's razor.

This is crazy. Are you actually asserting that there are no moral people who don't subscribe to a religion?

"I had been drunk for around 5 or 6 days straight"