
No joke. You're lucky Waters didn't have his way, because who knows what would have happened…

Yo apparently you haven't seen the footage of the original Wall shows with the surrogate band playing along with them. It rocks hard.
That said, I am a huge Waters / Floyd fan but can't see paying $200 to see this.

Also worth pointing out that Waters is a talented songwriter and musician and Morrison was an opportunistic hack.

Sweet! Thanks for the heads up, just grabbed it.

I get your point, but I think Wilco is just one of those types of bands. Tom Waits is similar; he seems to change his style up every 4 or 5 albums (especially the early albums). In fact, I think it's a good comparison because Waits also started out as a strong songwriter in an established genre and did his own version

I think you mean "Art of Olmos", the new show on TLC where Edward James Olmos discusses his collection of fine paintings, and refuses to take questions about his acting.

I agree on the Obama point, having just seen his impression on youtube. I'm not saying he must be terrible, just saying we have no way of knowing. But the fact that he doesn't get much screen time makes me think that it's more likely that he stinks than that the writers refuse to write anything for him. They spend a

In other words, you wish there were (was?) a funny weekly sketch show on TV. I agree.

The sketches are different every week and sometimes they're good, so one needs to watch it in order to find out. I didn't claim that I've never seen a good episode of the show, or good sketches. I didn't like THIS episode, and last season was shitty (overall).

The text is there for all to see, so no acting is necessary.
Your argument: if you don't like the show, you aren't allowed to comment about it.

I'm definitely not arguing that this is the worst season in the history of the show. I've seen some stuff from when Joe Rocket or Johnny Rocket or whatever his name was was on, and it was real bad.

Let's not forget Kevin Nealon.
"Earlier this week…Monday."

Only people who enjoy the show are allowed to comment?

I realize they don't work on the show all summer, but I expect more out of the premiere because it should seem fresh…maybe it's more about the fact that we haven't seen any new episodes in a few months, so when they reappear, the material seems better than it would if it showed up mid-season somewhere. So since this

It's the Old People Be Hatin' Hour.

That's because the way to enjoy Zappa is not to listen to his music but just to read a list of his song titles.

It reminded me a little too much of Ferrell's Neil Diamond, though I guess it wasn't quite as absurd. Still, it was basically just "let's have Tony Bennett say some crazy stuff". I swear, this show is no better than bad improv. You'd almost have no idea that it's scripted.

Pharaoh does a good Denzel and a decent Will Smith. Other than that, I've not seem him do anything to indicate that he's a good performer in any way. The only time I recall see him doing something that wasn't an impression, it was the prison sketch at the end of last season. He was staring at the cue cards so hard it

Don't know if you are serious or not. I may not have seen it on TV, but as soon as he asked Baldwin to pee in the cup, the joke was broadcast loud and clear. He's going to drink it and be able to tell what is in Baldwin's system! Comedy gold. I feel like it's been done to death, even though I can't name where I've

Red Flag was the only thing I saw that was worth seeing. I agree with your initial sentiment - I always look forward to the show and it always stinks. Even Seth Meyers was more grating than usual. His "just shout everything instead of delivering material" style is too much for me. They need to can him as head writer