Marshall Ryan Maresca

As I've said before, I would have liked to see Ferengi that were a bit more boardroom and Wall Street and less horse trader and bazaar haggler. 

Well, it is true that the Federation gets a bit judgey.  "We were once like you."  Bunch of Herberts, the lot of them.

@avclub-0bac5746aa760492dbce3d5dfd26ab9c:disqus Like the proverbial Vorlon, I've always been here.

Book-based Cardassian Worldbuilding was also done in "The Lotus Flower" (one of the six "Worlds of DS9" novellas) and "The Never Ending Sacrifice" (a novel which follows the life of the Bajoran-raised Cardassian boy from "Cardassians" through the various Cardassian upheavals over the course of the series.)

Yes.  To everything.

@avclub-0bac5746aa760492dbce3d5dfd26ab9c:disqus I would have figured.  Soul-searing guilt is pretty much like mother's milk on Cardassia, no?

@avclub-0bac5746aa760492dbce3d5dfd26ab9c:disqus I hear the crabs are delicious, if you can handle the soul-searing guilt.

@avclub-0c3e626d1a287cdc48c77515c8dcc243:disqus I'm trying to think which TNG S1 episode has "Omega Glory" in its DNA.  Justice?

Or things like in "Suspicions".  No one takes a Ferengi scientist seriously.  Why?  It's not like they, I don't know, got into space and have warp-capable ships that can hold their own against Federation ones or anything.

I see it more a strange mash-up of "Errand", "Arena" and "Balance of Terror"— all three interesting Species Introduction episodes— but louses it up something fierce.

Lauren strikes me as the type who quickly attaches and detaches in a very dangerous way.  Like, she decides that you and her are deeply, deeply in love, and the fact that you're married doesn't matter.  But she understands you think it's a problem, so she creates a flawless holodeck reproduction of you and her having

I could go on a long rant of why "Last Outposts" attempts to tie Romulan-esque "mysterious race" with "shady traders and businessmen" just doesn't work.  It's like an oily used-car salesman keeping his show floor in the basement of a CIA safehouse.

This movie has Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson, the previous one had Lindsay Lohan.  It's like Rodriguez WANTS the people who everyone else thinks is toxic.

The Scream is kind of a big gun with one setting, of course.  It doesn't have modulation, so she can't just use it whenever.  So she has a superpower that can help Fight Crime, but she pretty much had to learn how to be a badass without it, because its use is kind of limited.

Why I Moved Away From Syracuse.

To add onto @avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus
I don't usually put a lot of stock in herbal remedies, but taking Valerian Root actually helped me a lot.

From "Much Ado About Nothing":  "I will live in your heart, die in your lap, and be buried in your

"Should someone feel X instead?" is always kind of a sticky wicket.

A publisher, in this instance, is essentially a curator of quality.  In post-scarcity, the value of the work comes from the prestige of your brand.  A publisher gets known for finding the best stuff, and a writer wants selection because it marks their work as the best.

Wait… didn't the Tholian Ambassador die mysteriously at a Betazoid wedding?