Marshall Ryan Maresca

I honestly never understood why Rosanna deSoto didn't become a bigger star. 

You're going to hang some Ziyal's in your bar, right?

Well, something like Sisko's restaurant— I can see running it just for the pure pleasure of running the best damn restaurant you can, especially if you don't have to worry about paying the rent, electricity, etc.  Just pure pride in the work.

I'm totally on board with Zach's read, as I've said.


Into it?  If I were in that situation*, might think it neat in a
party-trick sort of way ("Hey, check out what I can do!"), but the net
change in arousal would probably be zero.  However, if it was done in a
serious, "I'm really gonna blow your mind here" way, I'd probably crack

I'm guessing he had one of those middle-school English teachers who drilled in his head repeating words in an essay is horrible, forcing him to search for more and more ungainly synonyms. 

Except we know from earlier flash-forwards that he's does make it.

Starfleet is far too sensitive and touchy-feely to have "up or out" policies.

@avclub-0bac5746aa760492dbce3d5dfd26ab9c:disqus is hardly a plain, simple waitress.

I remember when one of the episodes of "Enterprise" had a Nausicaan, and the general reaction was, "What the heck?  Aren't they supposed to be idiots?"  And I'm thinking, you know, regardless of anything else… they got into space.  

No, the Decon Chamber is to get EVERYONE is skimpy clothes.

Yes.  I'd far rather have a character make an impassioned plea to a near-omnipotent species over pulsing the warp shell to emit a tachyonic carrier wave, inverting the field to stabilize the gravitation matrix.

Ooh, that looks pretty.  And is probably maddening.  Lord knows I found Star Charts fascinating, pretty and maddening.    Mostly because trying to make sensible star charts from the Trek Verse is like trying to make a working clock from parts thrown out from a gun factory.

@AmaltheaElanor:disqus Really, I would swear that it's Dax's bathroom.  Especially since she's about go in there right after she wakes up the morning after.  And, frankly, Odo & Kira sitting in the bathroom all night talking makes a whole lot more sense.

Except she had an acute case of bullet in the chest.

"These Are The Voyages" is pretty bad, but at least it just plain hands the audience the easiest way to fanwank around it (which the Trek-Book writers pretty much went straight to).  Namely, we aren't seeing what actually happened on the Enterprise in 2151, we're seeing Riker's program, which may as well have as much

I'm with you on the closet.  I'm sure we will discuss it at length next week.  But in brief: I think it works because it addresses an issue that needs to be addressed, but does it without burdening us on screen with stuff that would be short-shifted by trying to actually dramatize it.

Say what you will about "Emperor's New Cloak", but they do pretty much say, "Yeah, let's go there" and own it.

Perhaps, but I think that was undercut by the final Sisko/Cassidy scene.  Which… I get why Brooks insisted on that scene, but it still undercuts the cost.