Marshall Ryan Maresca

@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus You know, I do kind of wish we had a sense of Ferenginar being a little more Wall Street/Boardroom and less Horsetrading/Warehousing/Shipping & Receiving. 

Which is funny, but the underlying thought really was, A. the real money is in post-run syndication and B. stations running old shows in syndication are going to show them in any damn order they please.   As much as we knock on JMS over in the B5 reviews for excessive recapping, he was working on the premise that he

Well, he's the Sisko.

I remember seeing some photo shoots of Dorn and Farrell out of make-up, and they really were working it together. 

Their children would be Cardassian/Bajoran/Klingon/Human hybrids.  Why do you want to make the make-up department cry?


What freaks me out more is that, near as I can figure, Alexander is, like, nine years old.  Now that might be the Klingon equivalent of 18, but it's still strange.

In a real way, while Worf wants to be the ideal Klingon, Martok is it already.

It doesn't help that three different actresses played Ziyal.  It's harder to latch onto who she is without that continuity of character.

I think one of my favorite single moments in all JLU is Jon and Batman suddenly finding themselves back in the cafeteria, both with a "what the heck just happened?" look on their faces.  

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Yes, I think that was it!

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Over on TrekBBS a couple years ago, there was a guy who reviewed all the episodes of Voyager, and he made a point of docking half-a-star (out of four stars) for any episode that could have been a TNG episode with almost no changes.

You know, I also kind of wondered why they presented the idea that the EMH was, like, a lot of hard work for Zimmerman and his team.  Because it seems like you could go into the holodeck and say, "Computer, create a doctor character with the full scope of current medical knowledge at his command."

I have to admit, I've never quite settled with the idea that Reavers were feral, psychotic, cannibalistic, hyper-violent people who also had a sense of collective cooperation and teamwork.

Nechayev is also kind of the Admiral in charge of Necessary Unpleasantness.  Starship captains go flying around, causing diplomatic messes, and who has to clean that crap up?  But I agree with @avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus, she often gets villainized because she doesn't just accept that Picard is

I have to admit, with the Post-series DS9 books, the additional character of Taran'atar was one of my favorite aspects.

I don't need a chair.  If I want, I can BE THE CHAIR!

Honestly, his one-shot character on Voyager is one of my favorite things Voyager has done. 

"We will hold this planet for the Dominion until we are rescued."
"And if we're never rescued?"
"Then we will hold this planet for the Dominion."