Marshall Ryan Maresca

Yeah, that's right.

Somewhere in between DCAU's "I'm too angry to could give a damn what you think of me" Aquaman and B&B's "I can't hear you over how awesome I am" Aquaman is my ideal interpretation of the character.

This one's a strange one, because it's take DC characters who never were together in this particular combination— or any permutation like it— and jamming them together because they work as analogues for one Marvel's strangest-match teams.  It's interesting, but it only works in its own DCAU-making-a-nod-at-Marvel way,

Of course, in the comics they shifted the secret-identity paradigm somewhat with Superman.  With all the Silver-Age stuff, there was this constant bit of Jimmy or other people being obsessed with figuring out Superman's secret identity.  In the early 2000s, they did a bit where Superman reveals he's Clark Kent to a

I've often jokingly referred to "Batman and Returns" as "Penguin vs. Catwoman— with Special Guest Appearance by Batman!" 

I think you're right, which is a strange choice to hold your big cards for.  Because that meant that each time he had the opportunity to do something else with Babylon 5 (the TNT movies, Legend of the Rangers, Lost Tales, and to a lesser extent Crusade), his choice of what to do had a distinct lack of ambition.  Which

That's because In The Beginning is pretty much the only one that isn't just, "Here's a double-sized episode, and an inconsequential on at that." 

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Yeah, you've got it.  Ranking them, for me:
1. The White Star Dive on Z'ha'dum.
2. "Talyn… starburst."
3. BSG Atmo-jump
4. "Mr. Worf, fire."

@avclub-dc10fce584f2cdf09d6690e0f2883227:disqus  I hear it's snowing in New York.

@avclub-dc159a30f1e7fe7352b88109050f5512:disqus The speed-bump itself is fine.  It's just "Intersections" kind of doesn't do anything. For example, if you missed the episode, just went from "Face of the Enemy" to "Between the Darkness and the Light", you wouldn't necessarily notice. 

Of course, you can also argue that, in the end

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus I'm of two minds about that one.  I think it does what it's trying to do very well… but I don't think stopping the plot to do that was necessarily the right choice.

True.  I can never quite decide if its a matter of an actor not hitting the character the way he should have, or if it's a matter of it being exactly what's intended and it just doesn't work for me.

Yeah, nothing in televised sci-fi matches it.  I think BSG's atmo-jump comes close, but doesn't have that same mythic level.

I think there was something brilliant there in conception that doesn't quite work in execution.  

I did like the metaphor of Vorlons and Shadows as parents, the Vorlons being the total helicopter-parents who will micromanage every project and activity and make sure you get into a good college and you WILL BE A DOCTOR AND YOU'LL THANK ME FOR THIS SOME DAY, and the Shadows being the, "I'm going to throw you in the

I felt Season Two stumbled for a bit, but then found its footing and ended very strong. 

There's only so many jokes you can set up with "When two Minbari become close…"

Oh, hell yes. 

"Melissa Gilbert’s sexy stumble-walk as she says this is pretty amazing."