Marshall Ryan Maresca

But Bashir and Jadzia do.

Sexy sexytimes on Risa?  But then they remembered that they don't know how to do that.

I think regardless, Talyn would have been a mess.  He is, for all intents, a Leviathan in near constant roid-rage.  Crais may have been the best of all bad options, giving some small degree of control over him.  Maybe Aeryn could have done it, but I think the cost to her would have been even higher than it was for

Wasn't "Re:Union" actually the S2 Premiere in the states?  The one reason I remember is because I actually missed it when it aired, so when I caught "Mind the Baby" the next week I was prepared to feel lost… and then it was like nothing much had happened.

One of the things I really liked about this is by the time Batman and Robin show up, Barbara doesn't so much need to be rescued as she just needs a ride.  She did most of the getting away by herself already.

If anything, Kosh comes off as the one Vorlon who thinks of humans as something more than just one of the chess pieces on the board. 

Actually, most of his Spider-man stuff is pretty good.   The elements that most people hate were imposed editorially: namely, the Gwen Stacy had an affair with Norman Osborn thing and the Peter Sells His Marriage to the Devil.  "The Other" is the main storyline that's all JMS that people hate.

The ship had a mage, a thief and a telepath.  It was a space D&D campaign.

@avclub-9ef2b3a0cbd8bc049616e0855bff05fb:disqus That was horrible.  I'm getting a pike.

Well, that link to the convention stuff included a video of the whole panel of the entire cast, so… that's been my morning.  A lot of fun to watch that.  Jerry Doyle is a fabulous bastard up there.  And I have a certain fondness for Tracy Scoggins, who talks about being a fan first, and how hard it was to join the

Roger Daltrey?

@avclub-beddc9f9e1c9b438dc4246e494644ce4:disqus Yeah.  I think since they placed that book on Andor, and Shar was the only Andorian "main" character they had to use as a viewpoint for that book, they had to just have him hanging around.  Which is kind of a shame.  I like what they've done with the Seceded Andor

For me, when they went expanded-universe post-DS9 (and then post-Nemesis & post-Voyager) is when things got interesting, because they allowed consequences.  I mean, sure, first it was little things: "Hey, we're going to make Kira a religious pariah."  "Hey, we're killing off Shakaar."  And when Paramount didn't peep

Re: Honor Harrington.  Eh.  It's got some good bits, but there's a lot of "group of people having a meeting" where it's a pain to keep track of who those people are, and far more math via ship distances and missile speeds than I personally want to deal with.

Yeah, I was trying to keep it to a few sentences.  "Creepy private prison" undersold, but wherever someone's imagination went with that would be pretty accurate. 

The way I see it, good tie-in novel work makes the universe it's set in feel like a larger place, that corners you don't see are getting filled in.  Bad tie-in novel work makes it feel like a smaller place, that the universe is an Andy-Griffith town where everyone knows each other.

So… who were you on the old TWOP Enterprise boards?

I like a lot of the post-series books, mostly because someone at Pocket realized that no one at Paramount was planning on touching DS9 or Voyager (or TNG after Nemesis) again and that gave them license to do whatever.

I honestly think Combs-as-Shran alone is worth @avclub-c6447300d99fdbf4f3f7966295b8b5be:disqus covering Enterprise. 

Or even the best end.