Marshall Ryan Maresca

There probably is a better "NOT AVAILABLE IN THE FUTURE/PAST" joke that can be found, but I'm not quite finding it.  Perhaps it's too convoluted to make a simple sentence out of it.

Ilena Ghemor is a dangling thread the DS9 post-series books really pick up and run with.  Their idea of what happened to her is pretty solid: in short, there really was a plan to replace Kira with Ghemor, which proceeded to the point of capturing Kira and surgically altering Ghemor.  But the twist

@avclub-0c3e626d1a287cdc48c77515c8dcc243:disqus "Amazon Space Vampires with ceremonial wooden sticks", while accurate, sounds much cooler than what actually happened.

To follow the metaphor, @avclub-eb058ced22520c3a8f4e4a6e2fb16403:disqus, sometimes she's Ralph, sometimes she's Jack, sometimes she's Piggy… but she always THINKS she's Ralph.

@avclub-b31df16a88ce00fed951f24b46e08649:disqus True.  I've sometimes joked that if you ask ten Trek fans what is "true" Star Trek, you'll get seventeen different answers.  I sometimes feel like an strange outlier in that I'm genuinely fond of all five series.  I mean, yes, some you love like that cousin who always

More often UPN would needlessly sex up the promo.  My favorite example is for "Life Line", where the Doctor transfers his program over to Jupiter Station to help treat Dr. Zimmerman.  In the episode, they need to strip out some of his subroutines to make his program small enough to transfer, and Seven suggests

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus True enough.  Everything was.  That was part of Enterprise's problem as well: the landscape was changing and the networks hadn't quite grasped what that meant. Ratings that would have been horrible in 1995 were average in 2005.  Things that are considered big "buzz"

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Exactly.  Braga is the guy who will point to the fences and swing with all he's got…. and strike out most of the time.  But you have to admire, at least a little, that he'll still step up and point.

Somewhere in the fourth or fifth season, Chakotay has a throwaway line of, "We have a full complement of shuttles."

Did they?  Despite camping out and Chakotay making her an outdoor bathtub, it still seemed like he was her chaste companion the whole time.

It does say something that some of the best episodes were the ones that went "off-book", as it were, showing a version of Voyager that they weren't allowed to actually do.

TOS was on NBC, actually.  But the rest is correct.

In a way, that quote could be seen as the mission statement for Farscape.

Here's the way I saw it, looking at the numbers: Voyager was consistently bleeding viewers.  Finale notwithstanding, the final season was hitting around 4-5 million viewers.  Voyager Finale and Enterprise Premiere were both big spikes, but once those spikes cooled off, the viewership pretty much goes back to where

I remember arguing with people at the time that very point: Enterprise didn't do the damage to the viewer-base of the franchise, it merely failed to fix the damage that Voyager did.

If anything could be pinned on Braga, its being a Big Wacky Idea guy.  Which sometimes works, and is sometimes… Threshold.  (Or, alternatively, Threshold.)  I think some of TNG's best stuff came from him and Ron Moore writing together, and I think the two of them balanced each others weaknesses well.

@avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus I love when they accidentally travel to the future and learn the last two humans on Earth are teenagers who are too interested in playing video games to bother mating with each other.

The note they kept trying to hit— and it almost worked— was the idea of being that beacon of Starfleet/Federation ideals in a wilderness.  The problem with that was that Janeway came off less like Ralph in Lord of the Flies and more like Jack and Piggy's love child.

Stargate was a show that any time I caught it, I definitely enjoyed it… but at the same time I never felt compelled to make sure I watched it. 

And, to their credit, the producers realized that half the time the best thing they could do is just leave the show to Ryan and Picardo.