Marshall Ryan Maresca

I have to admit, back in the day when Caretaker first aired, I was anticipating (fearing) from the promo pictures for Kes to be an Interstellar Manic Pixie Dream Girl.  So when she started talking in a calm, cool alto voice, I was pleasantly surprised.

True, you can criticize Jolene Blalock's acting skills, but you can't say she gave up and phoned it in.

@avclub-ee5bfdf797c80ececac6473cf1e8407d:disqus @avclub-4570f5f8893ae3872ef8498d328b8dff:disqus Given how naturally charming Bakula comes off in person, I've come up with the theory that he was deliberately making choices to make sure Archer wasn't just Sam Beckett 2.0.  So that added a layer of unnatural to his

I think it was Jammer's Reviews that called it, "Not a great finale, but certainly the finale Voyager deserved". 

So, on Saturday at PhoenixCon, there was a whole 20th Anniversary thing going on.  And part of it was showing this memorial video:

It was '95, after all.  And I was, at the time, a college student in lifestyle if not in fact.

I remember when I first saw it, when Refa is being confronted, and there's the cut to the service on the station, "Please rise", and I thought, "What was that about?"

I have a certain fondness for the Narn Charge in that one.

Of course they do.  Kosh tells you he's coming beforehand.

As I've mentioned here before, in October of '95 I was walking around with a VHS tape of this episode in my satchel, and I was pretty much That Guy with it, where I'd meet up with someone and say, "Hey, wanna see a cool space battle?"  I'd show the Gorash VII battle, and without fail the people I was showing it to

@Mighty_Ponygirl:disqus Well, SPOILERS- "Chimera" is kind of what I'm arguing.  Laas is a perfect example of what the Founders wanted the Hundred to do: go out in the galaxy, learn details about various solids, and HATE THEM.  Laas didn't care for Solids because he was always an outsider, and I'm thinking that was

For every time Uhura had a "Captain, I'm frightened", she also had a time where, say, she was the one waist-deep underneath her console making repairs.  For the 60s, it was incredibly progressive.

I wonder if that was something instinctive that the Founders put in the Hundred— not only the homing instinct that kicked on when Odo was near the right nebula, but the appearance, and the inability to mimic specific individuals.  Given that they wanted the Hundred to learn about other cultures, but at the same time

In my memory, there was a lot more Kira-bedside-vigil than there actually was in the episode.  I had actually forgotten the Dukat-Weyoun parts.

When I did my recent rewatch of Season 5, I'll admit I skipped both of these episodes.  Nothing in this review is really compelling me to revisit.  I did watch the next two, though.  I had remembered being rather bored with "Ties" when it first aired, but watching it again, I enjoyed it a lot more.

"We were once like you.  Petty, greedy, wiling to murder each other over choice in hats.  But we've progressed beyond that, to learn to look down on people like you."

Well, Peggy and Ginsberg were the designated sober-handlers, the ones who were supposed to filter the gibberish and find the gems in there.  But Peggy said, "Screw this" and started drinking, and Ginsberg was inept at handling.

"I hate this stuff."
"Chicks love it."

Steampunk?  Bruce Boxleitner? GIGI EDGLEY?  Throw in a Firefly castmember and it'll be a perfect storm.

I think Thompson is a stronger actress than Tallman, but at the same time, I find Tallman-as-Lyta more interesting and charismatic.  If that makes any sense.