
The live version of "Whole Lotta Rosie" is the very best thing ever recorded by man.

Their cover of Black Flag's "Family Man" was even better.

Oates did all his acid in grade 8.


Why don't I ever check my spelling BEFORE I post?

I really liked Lord of War myself, but an "on the nose" criticism isn't innacurate. I thought the constant repetition of "guns killing children" was heavy handed. Not that it's an invalid theme, but they made their point in that beautiful openning sequence; there wasn't any particular need to keep pounding us over the

Wasn't really trying to earn ownage points. I just think the two are sort of perfect for each other.

I meant "bears," but let the ear jokes commence.

ears can't be gay? Please…

Well, I don't like him either (that's what I was saying), but do you really care who hosts the Oscars? I thought it had become pretty much agreed upon that it's a completely irrelevant industry circle-jerk that nobody who loves film gives a flying fuck about anymore.

Maybe they should take a page from NBC's book
Hmmmm…no one wants to be Mr. or Mrs. Bland Canned Ham at this year's Oscars? This looks like a job for:

You know what this reminds me of?
Flipping through the Columbia Record Club catalog in 1983.

Hollywood always recycles

Mike D is right. The broadcast signal is different for the commercials and is easy enough to detect. This is also why commercials are often louder than the program you're trying to watch.

Don't give me that, Porkchop. If humanity didn't have such a deep-seated fear of commitment, it wouldn't keep fucking my sister.

I weep for humanity

"How could it be a lazy rehash if development was concurrent?"

Okay, cool. Any explanation that isn't "necromancy" is a great relief, HHG.

Butthorn enjoys Diabeetus' colorful phraseology.

Just saw this
for the first time last night, and while I think it's awful and that all Direct TV ads are awful, I'm still as curious as hell to find out how they made Kim Basinger look 40 years younger. Seriously, I understand there's alot of makeup and lighting effects and digital touch ups occurring and all, but