
Nothing can ever top Wing. Her "I Wanna Hold Your Hand," where she never quite hits that high note on "hand" is perfection in a nutshell.

No questions about Flubber?

I'd never thought about Lorraine's death being foreshadowing for anything, but the more I think about it, the more I totally see it. Thanks, Todd!

Forget Larry Bird. Is his great-aunt Tilda in it? Because then I just might be tempted to watch.

Exactly, and the Rachel/Shelly duet didn't bother me at all. Probably because the singing was way better. Also, by making it a duet, it negated the need for stylistic accuracy in the first place. On another note, Rachel/Shelly scenes tend to be some of the show's best, credit to Menzel, Michele, and the writers(when

I HATED Blaine's version of "Something's Coming." That is classical musical theatre, and he was singing it like it was a Jason Robert Brown song. They're completely different styles. Also, that final note is supposed to be soft, not blasted fortissimo.

Yes to covering this cycle!! I call shenanigans on Brittany's elimination, but I'm biased because she's my favorite "modeltestant" the show's ever had.