
How did Gladiator not make this list? It's a shit wearing sandals. And The English Patient?

I didn't see Chocolat. I probably should have, I heard it was good, but the poster bothered me. Also, I couldn't stop associating it with "Like Water for Chocolate", which I didn't get. And once those connections — no matter how ridiculous (see Julia Ormond/Juliette Binoche switcheroo above) — are made in my head,

I'm a douche. A little fact checking reveals that Julia Ormond and Juliet Binoche are not the same woman!
But replace "The English Patient" with "Sabrina" and she's still got three strikes.

Dakota Fanning, Julia Ormond
I know — they're random. Dakota Fanning gets a lot of attention for being a "great" child actor, but she's shitty at playing anything resembling a real child. She always comes across — at least to me — as if her characters are in their 40s and she's been horribly miscast.
Julia Ormond'