
there is a pretty funny scene in Foul Play when she goes to Dudley Moore's bachelor pad

Duel > Crystal Skull

Walt's ultimate revenge on Todd and Uncle Jack: drench them in meth goo and they become crystal meth statues

Carlos Danger?

the concert at the end of Up In Smoke was an old favorite, Get Crazy was pretty funny too

He drank Lucas' milkshake

FIST + Paradise Alley = Victory!

Kenny Blankenship

Pauly Shore called, he wants his movie career back Adam!

like King Kong with more dong

"Hand down the Bat shark-repellent spray!"


i got to go see the Robocop statue when its finished

Funky President (People its Bad) by James Brown

and his mugshot proved he's a a great method actor

and the bullets were frozen, maybe the gun wont work…

a 1 for Backdraft, dude got impaled on an iron fence

Deniro's low point was the Rocky and Bullwinkle flop he produced imo

its that new movie Madea: Origins

i guess Todd got to keep the equipment in the band roadie cases