
Simpsons did it.
Simpsons did it.


Then there was that one time he tried to turn Batman and Robin into Bat-Popsicles…

I still want to see Seth make a Dr. Evil movie now that he's older. He's sitting on a comedy gold mine.

The Flush

She turned me into a Newt!

( . Y . )

He was a good fella.

*cough* mob funeral *cough*

Hawaii needs a virgin sacrifice every so often.

Shogun Warriors!

Did you get obese eating Flutie Flakes?

Wow. Rosie O'Donnell has really let herself go.

Glenn or Glenda???

Midnight Madness?

…a big Steely Dan fan!

In Russia, Colossus fastballs you special!

Wipe that Smirnkoff your face!

Brian Williams says he was in Compton too.
