
Yeah, I feel that The Affair is the attempt to translate In Treatment into a bigger story and adding the "unreliable memory" concept on top. Basically, four huge therapy sessions. I think it works admirably well, but as it progresses, the cracks are going to show more and more.

This would be the perfect unhappy ending to say goodbye to Cole, but probably not. I think they are setting Professor SexFrench up to be a main character for next season. I bet that will be a popular decision.

(3) At the very least, this was emotional rape. Perhaps with full intent.

You have held them in higher regard than they deserved. It's time to lift the rose-tinted glasses.

That is such a fine line, that whatever side you are coming out of, it could always be interpreted as either one. I'm sure that's at the very least what he believes to be the truth. His father's role in this is just as unclear as of this point.

And he wasn't supposed to be that guy, I don't think so. He was always going to be a sentimental guy. It was there from the pilot, angry sex scene notwithstanding. There are no broad strokes on this show with the central four. I think the casting choices were deliberate.

Well, in this case it would have been better if you had been familiar with In Treatment, another show by the same creators. It's kinda the point of that show and most likely was going to be for this show. You need clear-cut heroes why exactly?

I believe it was established during the course of the seasons that they both equally used each other. Noah to get away from his life and Helen to keep her life the way it was. In season 1, Helen said that she could have had anyone, but she chose Noah, because she thought he was a safe bet. She must have liked that he

Your use of the word "narcissist" reminds of that episode from season 2 when Toby Ziegler said "paramour" a lot. I think your reading of that scene was wrong. It's more of a helper complex, I think. Although that could theoretically originate from narcissism, I guess.

Another good episode? Are they on a roll? It's Helen's time to come off as the most unsympathetic she has ever been. Poor Max is getting another slam in the face. Oh wait, he is cheating on his fiancee…can't we ever like someone on this show?

I didn't read it as narcissism, at all. It's her - at this point also pathological - need to shoulder responsibility. She just learned that she didn't know how damaged Noah was and ultimately feels responsible for it.

Good one… You have an eye for different baby actors, but your ability to tell age is severely lacking. You think Noah is beyond 50? And Nina around 40?How old do you think are Jennifer Esposito and Dominic West? Esposito is 44, West is 47. It works if they are the same age on the show which I think is what they are

As a fellow fan of (the American) In Treatment, I'd be interested to hear…did you feel that In Treatment had less of those problems you see in The Affair? Or do you think they are similar in execution? That show certainly had characters I would root more for than others.

Don't agree with that. I don't care about the snippets, this place is reserved for comments. I don't think the reviewer's influence is that strong and even if it were, it should not be taken down, that's practically censoring.

It's what makes this show interesting to me. We all like to think we are better than Noah, but we likely didn't have some kind of trauma. For many, it seems they are jaded and don't want to get caught in emotional manipulation. This might be what is happening, but if I thought that I would immediately drop this show,

As for 1 and 2, it's hard to tell, but I also believe that his father was not physically absent. He was working a lot and when he was at home, he could not deal with the situation and left Noah to handle it all on his own. For Noah, it was like he was truly on his own, so in his memory it's not making a difference.

Pay attention next time, it didn't come out of nowhere. It was hinted at from the start (episode 2 of s1, I think) that he has profound damage carrying around with him. Season 2 made it much more obvious when his dad and sister come into play.

I don't think this new reviewer watches the show for the same reason Carrie Raisler did or probably most of us do. It's a fairly one-sided bash-Noah-cheer-Cole deal. Not missing those reviews, I can't say. These past two weeks have been the most excellent this show has been since its conception, in my opinion.

They never were together for a substantial amount of time. There was the affair, Noah moving out and then proposing to her. Then he went off touring for his book. They practically didn't see each other during that time. We never saw their marriage. Actually, I can't remember if they married inbetween season 1 and 2 or

Another chance meeting. If I were them, I wouldn't be feeling safe on this road. It seems that everyone is just a stone's throw from meeting everyone else. Another good episode, though. Noah is clearly off his rocker and Gunther post-prison is a hallucination. Noah must have stabbed himself, after all. I don't think