
Why is it not Phoebe Waller-Bridge? She was great in Fleabag. Breaking 4th wall inbetween a scene is not that easy to do, convincingly. Really could see her as The Doctor. Well, maybe she is just not up for it.

Oh, I see. Still, means the same thing in the end. Like this:
supposed deal: Baal fights without demon powers
actual deal: Baal cheats, has demon power
altered deal: Baal has demon powers, but mortal at the same time

After half a season of - to me - unfunny and non-creative crap going on in Elk Grove, with a few small bits of interesting ideas and some effective revisiting sprinkled in, this episode is unquestionably the highlight of this season in my book. It had to be the cabin again, I guess. This is a return not only to the

A far more interesting episode than the clunker preceding it. They got out of that sinkhole as best as they could. It was obvious that Ash was just playing along. Just as obvious as it is that Pablo is not dead. Well, this entire subplot with the asylum is as predictable as it gets. But at least it's not derivative

The first episode that I even liked. I don't get the love for this season. Everything regarding Brock and Elk Grove is silly. Revisiting Cheryl was a good idea. Creating this entire family history around Ash does nothing for me, other than trying to extend it somehow to the point where the entire clan was secretly

This entire season they toyed with this obvious idea, that Ash is pretty much a psychopath from an outsider's view. Not only is that the whole appeal of Evil Dead in the first place, it's also old hat for this show by now. Spending so much screen-time on this concept and letting it culminate into an asylum-type

There seems to be a lot of confusion around what Ruby said, but I clearly heard "honored the deal" and the captions confirm it. As in, she did not alter it, as Baal would have expected her to do. And that made complete sense to me.

"This whole franchise is so much about reinventing itself around the core of Ash's heroic idiocy."
That's exactly what it is to me, well said! This is about one man out there being groovy, now it's about finding others who are groovy.

"Suddenly making her Ash's daughter and reducing her to a damsel to be rescued is as clichéd as it gets."
I don't understand why people need a family dynamic made explicit. It already worked. Why make it easier? Can't we give a shit about people who are not related to us by blood? We just went back in time, risking

Kelly "becoming" Ash's daughter is neither original nor unexpected, why do we hype this so much? In fact, I feared that would happen ever since the pilot. Everyone can come up with that. The beauty of Kelly as a character was precisely that she was someone else, not related to Ash. The idea that there are no groovy

I very much disagree. It didn't feel off to me. Not at all like "Holy shit, this is going to suck from now on!" territory. Actually, there has been a bunch of episodes this season that I didn't like and this was not one of them. The asylum episode was not nearly as clever as you made it out to be.

She said "honored the deal", because she did not alter it, as Baal expected her to do.

I did forget about that, because I don't give a shit about Scotty, but even if I did…no, I don't think that's comparable.

Just checked it again, because Jeffries was being put on the witness stand, she said "They will come after me. Just tell the truth.", which…well, it was certainly implied that this could put the blame on Helen and Noah responded with "I can't. She's the mother of my children.", so that's at least how he understood it.

Seeing that this new reviewer is happy to join in on the love-em-or-hate-em style of commenting, I'm going to miss these reviews a lot less.

"Helen's over here, coping with a near identical trauma"
That is the most ridiculous thing you say here.

Gah, that scene was awful. These characters are terrible. I hope they are dropped. But Noah is probably gonna sleep with Audrey or she is coming onto him or some shit. Please, no…

Plus, The Descent was essentially his diary, just as he accused Audrey of writing hers.

Wouldn't put it past this show to create a Fatal Attraction scenario. The plots are not the strong points of these writers, unfortunately. I really hope that's not it. But it won't be as obvious - and far-fetched as of now - as the prison guard stalking him.

Wow…I love how the show trained people to give Noah shit, no matter what he does. A guy can go to prison for three years in order to protect the people he cares for and still it's somehow a dick move on his part…what??