
Aside from Helen vs Margaret - which as a development felt a bit too dramatic and sanctimonious, but was a great acting moment, nonetheless - I thought this was one of the worst episodes so far. Athena is back to ruin the show again and of course Alison is at her retreat. That whole Noah half is just more ridiculous

In retrospect, after watching two season of this show, this was probably the best since the pilot. Which is strange, because there was almost no Ruth Wilson and I really like her and started watching this because of her.

Yeah, Michelle Monaghan is so good. It's entirely possible that I wouldn't like her character as much if it were not for her abilities. This really is no stock character she is playing, although it very easily could be one. Extremely refreshing to see that.

Yes, so much better than the second that I felt like I watched a different show all of a sudden. The show that I would like to watch as opposed to the show that I half-expected to get.

Not that I didn't suspect it before, but this episode made me feel pretty sure that the "truth" means next to nothing on this show and while discussion is fun, it will probably be pretty useless to try and solve the "mystery"…besides, I am too late for that, anyway.

It's always weird for me when people read behavior like Noah's as self-involved, arrogant or something like that when it's most likely covering up low self-esteem and self-loathing.

So there's the - probably inevitable? - cheating out of the previously established format. There are not two versions of the same plot, but rather two perspectives on the halves of a continuous plot.

Just gotta say, fantastic review, man! You almost made me believe that I enjoyed this pilot…

(Damn, I am writing too much for stuff that happened years ago…only catching up, now)

I have a whole different read on that second episode. First up, promoting rape-culture? Someone here transcribed the scene and it is fairly obvious that the rejection has nothing to do with not wanting some angry sex. That is all. The blowjob is a slightly different story…but it makes sense for that character. Plus,

There are some good parts, but most of this is just a mess. Didn't know how to end this season and tie up all the loose ends. Not one, but two montages…might be a bit too much?

I think you don't understand bad writing and are ready to excuse it by saying something like "this is supposed to be a mess". Evidence to the contrary are most of the other episodes of this season. All of them are better written, some of them by several magnitudes (or grades, if you wish).

First episode that I didn't like much, for showing such clear tv machinization. Bringing in tropes, (asshole) audience surrogates, filler and plot movers with NO subtlety, at all. I don't argue about grades, but…A- for this?

Well, screwed up and wrote the comment for fourth episode in here…solid episode, this third one.

I hate spoilers. But I think that it is only fair to tell someone who intends to catch up with this that if you expect this to be Rashomon-style all the way through, you will be disappointed. And if you expect the pilot to ever be topped, you might as well walk away from it, now.

I don't get it. How are you feeling you are watching the same show as before?

I'm clearly in the minority, but I thought this episode was boring and had a shoddy and sketchy plot. Essie is supposedly becoming a master thief, but she steals everything in sight and isn't subtle about it. Maybe that was the point. Maybe it was all supposed to be silly.

"He [Sweeney] knows the only way he gets his precious coin back is if she [Laura] gets her precious life back."
Why not replace "coin" with "life" there, too? Except, that requires a leap of faith, expecting the coin back somehow. It sure is the fastest way, if anything.

I was disappointed he didn't say "Leper-cunt". Although, maybe he did say it. Hard to tell with that accent.

In the world of this show (and maybe the book), none of the gods ever required "worship" to begin with, simply belief in them. Worship is turning belief into a product and religion is the brand to sell that product.