
I haven't read the book, so this is just my take on it: Mr. World represents the information age or globalization…or both. It seems very obvious that none of the New Gods are established deities (yet). They are too recent. From multiple lines on this show I take it that things are real as long as you belief in them.

If you expected anything of that to stick by the time Barry travelled back in time, then I must assume you do not watch much tv or you are extremely optimistic. As fantastic as it all was, the Groundhog Day ensured the retcon of it all.

Catching up on this - so far - fun show. Half an hour of painful relationship drama (I rarely dislike characters, but I hate Iris) and 10 minutes of awesome - which are going to be retconned, though - plus, destroying much cooler fan theories I read in the comments. I don't get the excitement. =/

I am not expecting an answer after all this time, but…did you watch it? And how did that turn out? I just watched it after avoiding it for years, because - like you - I loved Begins and didn't like TDK (nor Inception). Expectations were low and still not met. At least there was no super-pretentious boat scene…but the

I am not expecting an answer after all this time, but…did you watch it? And how did that turn out? I just watched it after avoiding it for years, because - like you - I loved Begins and didn't like TDK (nor Inception). Expectations were low and still not met. At least there was no super-pretentious boat scene…but the

This has almost no elements of regular Scandal. It was one of those flashy episodes that have a twist you can see miles away. How can you say that's quintessential Scandal? It is a solid episode, though. With a very acceptable use of a dream sequence.

…oh. Watching this more than 3 years later, I thought it aired after Snowden popped up (didn't do the math, I guess) and thought it was a boring attempt at emulating it, with a - in my opinion extremely predictable - twist. My respect for this episode went up with the equivalent of two notches in grades.

…oh. Watching this more than 3 years later, I thought it aired after Snowden popped up (didn't do the math, I guess) and thought it was a boring attempt at emulating it, with a - in my opinion extremely predictable - twist. My respect for this episode went up with the equivalent of two notches in grades.

Catching up… Horik doesn't have the Idiot Ball…he IS one. How can such a moron become king? And why does poor Donal Logue have to play him?

Hold on…there were no community grades at all during this point in time? That would explain the bottomless drop of the numbers for the previous episode. So the current numbers on the scale are the few people catching up on the show, I guess. Myself included.

Why did community grades drop from 50+ participants to 3 on this episode and never recovered? Was that around that time they took the personal ratings page out? WHY did that happen? Or…where is it? I can't find it. My grades are clearly still there, though…baffling move. Serving up that page can't be that much of a

The joke's on you when it turns out next week that Saul did just that.

"Almost a full half season" aka "a third of a season". "Brody is going to be in almost all of it" then probably translates to two episodes in Lewis-math.

She looks 10 years older to me…I completely bought that she is the same age as Saul.

There is nothing "witty" about any kind of Mole twist. 24 has destroyed it, forever. Incidentally, that's some of the same people on this show. So far they did a very good job making every mole just "some person" we never see or don't care enough about to dislike the twist.

I also cheered. That was so awesome! Part of the reason why I cheered was that I expected her to "get shot in the baby" (that's a genius phrasing). And no, I don't feel bad for that, at all.

Ok, now playing according to the rules:
Alice > Abbie Mills > Rebekah Mikaelson > Mina Murray > Katrina Crane > Hayley > Lucy Westenra > Davina > Jennifer Mills

Oh, sorry. I thought you were updating the old Drama Female Hotness Scale.

The only reason I would pick that up again is because of Katie McGrath. However, Lucy Westenra doesn't do it for me.

Alice > Abbie Mills > Myka Bering > Emily Thorne > Mina Murray > Kiera Cameron > Marie Laveau